Edited: 7/12/2008 11:08:59 AM by sadisticiron
Are you guys CRAZY about barrack saddam hussane obama. are country is f**ked up now because of the socialist democrats. cliton started it with letting oil on the stock market so speculators can force the price up. NOT BUSH!!doesnt anybody see the time line. when the demo to the house over everything started to take a crap.....HELLO.obama wants to raise taxes to pay for the lower class to stay home and not work. he wants to raise income tax on any families that make 50,000 a year or more. he wants to raise the budget another trillion dollars to pay for social project. he has no experience what so ever running anything except his mouth. for the real people that work Mccain is the best choice. i like my money if obama becomes pres. im looking at paying 50% of my income towards taxes thats HORSE S**T.
And all candidates are about big business. where do you think the money comes from. look at obama hes not even uses the money that both candiates get hes only using his millions and million from donations. hes a democrat, his followers are broke ass eco friendly hippys. think about it......And listen to barracks speeches aswell a f**king retard. out of several 2 min speeches he says "Ahhhhh" more then 20 times. so you cant use that cuz none of the them can speak in public.
everybody read into the facts of both candidates before you make a decision. dont listen to the libral media venues to base your opinion.check into all of the other countries that went libral and see where there at....... just my two cents. theres more but this forum will die with the truth about obama and his racist wife