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Off-topic \  Obama???


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CHOSN1   +1y
Edited: 7/14/2008 9:22:22 AM by CHOSN1

I'm sure some of you have seen this by now

BioSarra   +1y
Originally posted by sadisticiron

Edited: 7/12/2008 11:02:35 AM by sadisticiron

is this a real sticker cuz i want 10 of them

Originally posted by lowrthnu92

Edited: 7/6/2008 3:13:43 AM by lowrthnu92

Someone here in or around Hemet has one, I remember seeing it like a week ago.
danshoods   +1y
I heard the other day an interesting point,
If Obama was born in Hawaii in the mid 50's
he wasn't born on US soil, at that time Hawaii was a US terratory not a state, his mother was a US citizen for only 5 years,not the 10 required at that time, and his dad was never a US citizen.
Imo he's not eligable to run.
FullSizeRST   +1y
Originally posted by FullSizeRST

whatch this its crazy

for those who didnt see it and pasted it up here it is again

sadisticiron   +1y
can you send me the code for that vid

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FullSizeRST   +1y
Originally posted by sadisticiron

can you send me the code for that vid

sorry man i was looking for it when i poseted it the first time but i just quoted my self to repost it sorryman
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sadisticiron   +1y
check this websit out that i found. it also has the vid from you
FullSizeRST   +1y
kina scary to think people are going to vote for that guy
laynbody1993   +1y
To put in my opinion.. Dont know how much you guys believe in the whole Antichrist and so forth but Obama is doing a great job of proving that true..
Im not voting for the guy, apparently alot on here arent either.. His name, Background, simply what hes about should prove to people this guy shouldnt be in office,. Hate to say it but i have a feeling, the guy gets in office and he will be assassinated,.
sadisticiron   +1y
they released more of obamas tax plans. and it said......the average american middle class "citizen" keeps 67 percent of the pay check with obamas plan to increase taxes to help those who dont want to work the average american "citizen" will only get to keep 47 thats right 47 percent of their paycheck. HELLO does that make you want to vote for him now.

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