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Mini Truckin General \  Anyone Ever Get Money From The State Over Bent 24's???

Anyone Ever Get Money From The State Over Bent 24's???

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Jcfreeman0   +1y
Edited: 6/5/2008 2:13:20 PM by Jcfreeman0

Just wondering if anyone has ever bent/broke a wheel and tire on the highway and recieved money. I called the ODOT office and she told me to file a claim with the state of OH. I just filled out this bible and mailed it along with $25 for a clerks fee. I didnt know if i am just wasting more time and money doing this.

I bent 2 brand new 24" wheels and trashed the tires a few weeks back. I thought it was worth a shot to spend $25 to try to save $1300...

draggindakota   +1y
I've always heard it was for factory wheels only, not aftermarket, but i's definatley worth 25 bux to try and save 1300.
pewter2000   +1y
good luck with that your wheels got fd up,im always dodging potholes and crap,hope they cough up some of our taxes to help ya!!
unusualfabrication   +1y
Good luck, let us know what the outcome is!
mooch   +1y
My buddy bent his 2 of his 20's and he filed a claim and he got them paid for.
sideshizzle   +1y
My brother has had two 20s replaced by the city. Make sure you tell them exactly where it was and try ot get pics of the potholes if you can.
pearldrop   +1y
I got three tires replaced by the city. All at separate times.

slammedcavvy   +1y
just keep up on the city they tend to forget or misplace paperwork they took forever but got fully paid out, just make sure to take pics of the pot holes and where they are located
cookiemonster13   +1y
yeah a buddy of mine had 2 19" wheels and tires replaced in one year. it was in NC
slammedtoys   +1y
in the process now of trying to get the state of TN to replace a wheel i busted. It has taken 5 months now with still no end in site.