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Mini Truckin General \  Anyone Ever Get Money From The State Over Bent 24's???

Anyone Ever Get Money From The State Over Bent 24's???

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 414
replies 22
following 23
automatik23   +1y
doesnt hurt to file the complaint but also make sure you buy wheels with a strutural warranty because then the manufacturer will replace it
poontang2005   +1y
I got $800 from Tucson AZ from a pothole. that bastard was a foot deep! I took pictures and had to go down to DOT sit around for about an hour, then pay $30 processing fee and hand in my paperwork (pictures signed, notarized report, and estimates from 2 shops). About 4 months later I got a check in the mail. It's worth a try, I know in AZ the potholes pop up like crazy during the monsoon season cause of the crappy way they made the roads in tucson. I got pulled over once on possible DUI cause I was dodging a pothole, I passed the field tests and got a warning and a fix it ticket
eatinpavement   +1y
i filed a similar claim years ago for some 18s in louisiana and they paid it. i had to get a written quote for the damages like for the wheels and tires that egged and submitted it with the claim and police report and they sent me a check