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Barely Legal

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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iRIDElow   +1y
Edited: 7/21/2008 6:46:58 AM by iRIDElow

^^lol leave the bench or not doesnt mean things will leave the shop any faster haha
insaneautoconcepts   +1y
Originally posted by GraphicDisorder

Honestly the BBB cant do anything to them... or anyone for that matter other than nag them, and they will be far less affective as you actually just doing it yourself.

IF they owe you money then I strongly suggest you nag them via email/phone/letters/snail mail constantly.

I think running to SSM to post about the issue will actually have the effect your seeing now. Nothing. I know right off some things said on ssm about people/shops could be slander, and he could actually bring suit on you if your not careful. So its always best to get it handled between the 2 parties without bringing the rest of the world into it.

Thats my 2 cents.

I accually agree with brandt needs to be taken up with the two parties involved. This I see will turn out to be just like the BYC thread that had gotten closed down some time ago.
jeebus @ mmw   +1y
Originally posted by impounded dakota

I'll agree, that in most cases, they may have went into this, with good intentions. But, at what point do they start being honest with customers and explaining how far behind they are? Cause it becomes that point, where we start seeing these threads pop up. Initial intentions, i don't think kw or blf went into it intending to screw anyone, but at one point you cross a line when you know your 6, 8, 10 months behind on current orders, and then you continue to tell people, yea, it'll be done in 6 weeks, AND take thier money while doing it.

At what point do these guys realize they need to man up and be honest, and stop with the never ending list of excuses as to why they don't have the product they promised, done on time, or at all. I mean hell, these are the same threads, over and over, same stories over and over, and same excuses, over and over, for the 3rd a-arm company in a row. My long winded point is, none of these people would be in this positiong if they were just honest from the get go, and said, "hey, i'm 10 months behind on these things, do you still want me to put you on the list?" And there you have it, no extra pressure of keeping up with your own lies.

I havent posted anything in this thread, because no matter what i post or try to explain, it wont be heard.

Would it make a difference If i told you that in the begining when these people ordered ONE OFF control arms, arms that we DO NOT offer as a production arm, this is an arm that we have to build from scratch and still make sure its a safe product and does EVERYTHING the customer needs it to do, and were very very clear to them that the time frame to build these could vary from weeks to months? It wouldnt make a differenc to you because youve allready made up your mind on all of this. Thats apparent from your statments.

Would it make a difference if i told you, that in Jon Bilsky (bdy drpt)instance, he was just plain trying to scam us. What if i told you that after we sent alllll of his stuff out to him, all of his One off arms for his ram, the air tanks he needed, three weeks later, at the advice of a member on this forum jon decided to try and do a charge back on his credit card. It would have worked for him if we didnt have all of the tracking numbers with delivery confirmation being delivered to him. HIS credit card company did a 5 week investigation on all of this, and sided with us on the matter, NOT on the side of their own card member. So whos scammin who? that wouldnt matter to you because youve allready made up your mind on all of this.

All i can do is sit at my machine and make parts. I can tell customers how long parts will take, stuff we make as a production part takes 3-4 weeks, stuff that is one off can take as much as 8 months or more. But me telling him that when he calls, means nothing, because all that will happen is they will start to bitch and whine when they decide at a later point that they cant wait that long.

We still ship orders out every day, and thats all we can do. We dont get into the details on here, because as the consumer most of you dont care to hear the side of the producer. We just keep our head down and make parts.

fatboysS1O   +1y
well said Taylor.
retrodrag   +1y
Very well put Taylor! I've had a few customers try and pull the charge back bullshit on me and its never pretty... UPS Tracking numbers dont lie, lol

Best of luck to you guys and hope you can keep building badass parts!
lowazzmaz   +1y
It's about time something was said about this. We all need to realize in this sport that one off can take a lot of time. Would you rather have it in 3 weeks and have it fail, or have it tested for a period and make sure it will last and not fail and kill someone. I personally want to know what Im riding on is going to take the abuse of these horrible streets of the U.S.A. Ok Im done....preach on Taylor you got it right.
ShaveDnFlamed99   +1y
I agree well said. If this forum consisted of 50 year old street rodders that had a little more common sense and maturity, they would know that waiting 6 months wouldn't be shit for a one-off part that has to be very, very, very safe so the producer doesn't get there ass sued and name dragged in the mud for building crap, unsafe products.
pootytang   +1y
it's actually a good thing that you weren't replying everyday on here like the infamous byc thread. then everyone would be bitchin that you should be building their parts instead of being on the internet. Its also probable that you need to take a little time to make a quality part and not just speed through and throw it out the door. Gives a little sense of assurance that theres nothing fly-by-night going on and as long as you keep contact with the customer they really have nothing to complain about. I've only heard good things about your products, i hope you guys continue to prosper.
ram1500   +1y
the only scam goin on is ur bs excuses. fyi i told the cc comp that i hadnt received what i ordered not that i didnt receive anything. i got air lift coomps,(not viair),lower arms with no bushings or sleeves that were not raised 2" like i had repeatedly asked for, two 5 gal. tanks with 1" ports, not 3/4" that were so scratched up they loooked ;like they had been kicked around for a year. one also had a huge dent in the end. i emaild pics to taylor who said they would be picked up by ups and he would send out new ones, no. , novalve brackets were ever sent supposedly drop shipped from gauge, and like i said to top it all off, i received my last box which upon opening contained my FACTORY upper arms, so why shouldnt i try to fight it? i didnt get anything i ordered or that is usable on my truck
ram1500   +1y
oh yeah it hasnt even been 5 weeks since i contacted cr.card co.