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Mini Truckin General \  the new form of automobile "art"..

the new form of automobile "art"..

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 1216
replies 50
following 38
Balzout Sparkin   +1y
I have a few question on this. Are these guys smart enough to get some kind of advertisment dollars from the brands they are rep'n? Is that the motivation for the theme or do they do it just because they really really like juicy fruit? I don't get the donk thing, to me it is completely ignorant. I have yet to see one that I think looks good, but to each their own, it's their money and I don't have to like it if I don't want.
Drag2blaze   +1y
Ha Ha i told my wife i was gonna do her a lucky charms car, everyone calls her charm but her name is Charmonie, And before you ask no she isnt black she is actually german and irish, i think after i made fun of her for a good 20 minutes she hit me for thinking she would like something like that. Personally i had the same question why would you give someone free advertising and get nothing back for it? To each his on but it isnt for this oreo, and i almost live in atlanta.
gimp5561   +1y
hell i will put sticker's all over my buick i drive dailyif some big ass company wants too pay my ass...
obey   +1y
i wish i could say how i really feel about that type car and the assbags who drive them. bunch of drug sellin fuckdicks..
jsondrops   +1y
^^naa tell us how you really feel!
zadaddy   +1y
oh hell.... this one's gonna be on the front page for a while....
///RELAXED 720   +1y
I know a few guys w. donks they don't sell drugs....hell a couple of them work where I do does that make me a drug dealer?...Why can't people just see it for what it is a different style of customizing..Instead people want to let stupid shit pour out of their mouths about them being drug dealers or other racial stereotypes.. Down here most of the guys you see drivin donks are white guys...So if this thread keeps goin on w. the stupid shit I'm closing it basically if you don't have anything contstructive(non stereotypical or racial shit for those that don't understand what I mean) to say don't post......

Layumon22s   +1y
I got caught off of Bankhead (yes the rap song bankhead) after dark in my Isuzu one night and absolutely had to stop for gas and thought I was about to get mugged by a bunch of guys in donks (skittles, lucky charms, and spongebob to be exact) and they actually just wanted to look at the spacecab and were some of the most laid back guys I'd ever met and I stood in the middle of the ghetto for like 20 minutes as we all checked out each others rides. Never had anything bad or negative to say about my ride (unlike most minitruckers who think their 6 color primered out s10 on steelies is god's gift to the truck scene)Yes it's different but it's still a love and passion for cars. They actually followed me until I got back to a decent part of Atlanta so nobody would mess with my truck. I get more appreciation for my rides from the "thugs" then anybody else
jsondrops   +1y
Edited: 7/13/2008 11:35:24 AM by jsondrops

i don't see it as black or white,its just poeple to me doing things they want to do!i am reaaly good friends with some black people,one really close and all he talks about is rims and hookin his caddy up!he loves that shit but would never say anything negative about the shit in my driveway!Actually he thinks minis are cool,and appreciates all the work we do to get our shit that low!so i say to each his own...if its clean i will respect it!
lucky_brew   +1y
Edited: 7/13/2008 11:47:07 AM by lucky_brew

just a funny ass random pic i had in my favs. its not meant to hate on blacks/african americans by any means so dont take it that way.

but, this is the type of shit that rolls "donks" in CASHville! this is why they dont get respect here.

honestly, i have seen a few donks that id roll just for shock value or for running over mailboxes.

there were a couple bad ass donks at slammin that a few of us drooled over...