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Mini Truckin General \  project dragula/korncobb resurrection(update pg 5)

project dragula/korncobb resurrection(update pg 5)

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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bdydrppup   +1y
Edited: 8/11/2008 7:53:52 PM by bdydrppup

Edited: 8/8/2008 11:48:37 PM by bdydrppup

Well i figured since my old space cab thread went well i would do this one for shits and giggles. ive owed this truck a lil over ten years(got it from my gramps a 15 and now im 26). first truck i ever had and got me into customs. so ima give you history and old piks and maybe itll help me to finally finish it this time.

shortly after i got it. orignally had 14x7 sawbldes. i had just got some sweet z-71s prob around 98 or so

some stages through the next couple years....yes sum of em were ugly but i didnt care

and yes it was bagged in highschool oyeh i o was billy bad ass then lol

finally got wheels, 17" niche bahns shaved sum and tweed interior. pik at nopi in 2000, the year i graduated

all down hill from there. got boddied winter 2000

wheels wouldnt tuck in front so i grafted on amigo flares. my first time ever welding
bdydrppup   +1y
then it was on to custom everything and shaving and suicide doors with stock hinges spring 2001. also my gurl at the time wanted to take it to prom in 2001. gota love a good womanspring fling 01 got a construction zone that never ran. more pics from 01 at the old godfathers shows and nopi. driven to all.
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fatboysS1O   +1y
Edited: 8/2/2008 9:34:13 PM by fatboysS1O

oh yeah.....well....i had a ranger with a 3/4 drop and 18s in 2000. so uhh!

i dont even think i knew what the hell air suspension was in 2000!? u friggin showoff!

ive never seen it with normal doors either. thats a 1st for me.

wonder if this is old enough for Lucky to approve of it?

and punch urself in the face for letting Valerie slip by! haha
bdydrppup   +1y
late 01 -02 saw an independant rear(300zx) and five lug conversionand then at showfest 02 got shot for construction zone and made it into the nov. 02 issue
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bdydrppup   +1y
well maybe this will be inspiration for me and others with projects that are on goin. will get more pics up soon to show more progress through the years and what it looks like today
societyoutkast   +1y
i want it lol you want a 4wd yota
jsondrops   +1y
what does it look like today?
jsondrops   +1y
nevermind dude i am a jackass!I just looked at you page on here. my bad.... carry onsick truck btw
Uncle Fester   +1y
Nice to see such good progress over the years. Keep going at it
bdydrppup   +1y
im trya get started on it good again and finally finish the poor thing lol keeps getting stuck on the back burner