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Mini Truckin General \  project dragula/korncobb resurrection(update pg 5)

project dragula/korncobb resurrection(update pg 5)

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 1425
replies 87
following 33
bdydrppup   +1y
bahahaha thats awsome ^^^^^ shortly after that pic i shaved it off . haha that was some bad hair but at least it was like 7-8 years ago and it wasnt a mullet
DeepSouthS10   +1y
omg.....that thing is soooo bad ass
DeepSouthS10   +1y
the truck, not the haircut btw lol
humanmachinehead   +1y
love that intake, got any video clips of the truck? i'd like to hear it run
CCtuckinlexaniz   +1y
Originally posted by bdydrppup

bahahaha thats awsome ^^^^^ shortly after that pic i shaved it off . haha that was some bad hair but at least it was like 7-8 years ago and it wasnt a mullet

LOL..... na its cool man if u can pull a girl like that wit that hair cut im doing something but on a second note, good thing u shaved it!
bdydrppup   +1y
shit i pulled hotter chiks with it then without wtf! looked like a backstreet boy! think i way have some vids, how do you even post vids from photobucket?
bdydrppup   +1y
o anh my wheel company f'd me up. ordered my wheels wed. they always ship overnite. wheels left out atl. and tires outa nashvill. dude said wheels would make it thurs and tires fri. got tires fri but no wheels. turns out they tried to ship it a no name company and they are sitting in birmingham cause they dont come this far south. now there gettin shipped back to atl then to me maybe ill get em wed or thurs. SUX!
acrotoy   +1y
jesus christ,i remember each step and mod on this damn truck lookin at the pics,damn u dug up some ol ones cobb,hell i even remember vals mazda too,damn shit was alot more fun back then
bdydrppup   +1y
yeh thats wat i was thinkin. was more fun back then and alot of the big shows were still around. hell i had to scan old real pictures for alot of those lol
bdydrppup   +1y
but i do have some pics of my newly redone seats waiting on their new home. got em redone in saddle

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