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Mini Truckin General \  how do YOU pay for it?

how do YOU pay for it?

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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2lowtoy   +1y
I will go a diff way and say. When I was 18 I bought a house, drove a piece of crap, and worked for 5.50 an hr. I just stuck it out till I could move up at my job and could afford to buy another rolled piece of crap to start workin it took me 6 1/2 yrs to finish working on the truck before it went to paint. My parts came months sometimes years between but that made it fun for me. Knowing that I had to work overtime to save money to buy the 4 link or pay for the 3 diff sets of bags or 4 diff sets of valves buy the way non of witch ever got used by me, and 1/4 port bags just suck. All in all I am now 34 now work at a gm dealer as a parts manager and make good money, but I still use the same thoughts as before save money buy parts on card pay card off right away. I tell all the kids around me to think of there long term life goals before spending 5k on a truck. 5k is a down payment on a house and a start at a future. Not that working on the truck is bad but if you are in a bad place why strap yourself to a point that you have a 1000 truck with 5000 worth of parts into it and it is still in your mom and dads driveway and you are no 23yrs old and start thinking that why did I do this and now are thinking I should have backhalfed my truck. Thats were I will stop.
xinsertnamex   +1y
Work my balls off, do almost everything my self and the shit i cant do get one of my boys to do. Also i dont put nothing on credit cards that shit is retarded! Also do some side work when it comes around as long as it isnt nothing to extreme
granth   +1y
there really isnt a LOT of money out for the college kids where the OP and I are from. It's a "bigger" town, a small college town but with so many kids, their parents, the old folks, and the middle age people working professional a lot of the money is spoken for. When I say this, I mean it's hard for anyone at the college to make 15k+ and not have to literally slave for it. You gotta do what you gotta do, but like others have said, sometimes its worth just waiting for it to come. It's even sweeter when it happens then. I've been in this shit since I was going into freshman year, summer between middle and 9th grade. I grad' in 05, so it was either 00 or 01, i forget. I JUST got my first truck on bags, and hell its just the front. I tried with 4 other rides and wasted a shit ton of money on them trying to have it all done only to sell my parts and start over with 1/4 the money I put into it. I don't regret it, I learned a lot from every ride, but if I would have kept my mazda, it would have been bagged and shit buy now. Blew the motor supposedly (mechanic said) now im at that stage 3 years later with my yota. Except I KNOW I fucked this one up

Just stay at it, if you need some help doin minor things I'm down to let you roll in my garage for the day, I bet if you need some work done to fix your handles and shit you could afford Innovative, they are very reasonable on their prices and do sick work.
CamberOz   +1y
Tell you the truth i am not sure how i could afford it then , Because I could not afford it now.

karathos   +1y
Haha, I dont pay for it, you do, I'm in the army. So moneys not great. But it pays
SPICY   +1y
i pay for mine with unemployment
complexdesigns   +1y
I built the majority of mine when I was still living at home and really had no bills but car note. Now its a lot harder, couldnt build another now, glad I have mine.
Balzout Sparkin   +1y
Originally posted by SPICY

i pay for mine with unemployment

jcjcsoccerkid   +1y
is there anyway to draw unemployment while im employed? lol. im thinkin about signing up for food stamps so i can save money that way hahaha
wstewart58   +1y
one of the most important things u can have now a days is credit. .my family owns a business in town so its always been easy for me 2 get loans at the local bank cause i no everybody. .dats wat i did though i wanted 2 bag my s10 b4 so i went an borrowed the money wen i was 16 even though i had almost all the money saved up 2 do it i jus opened a separate checking account anput the money in there an put it on autodraw. .it isnt a wise decision 2 borrow the money if u wonder about if u have the income 2 pay the payment