there really isnt a LOT of money out for the college kids where the OP and I are from. It's a "bigger" town, a small college town but with so many kids, their parents, the old folks, and the middle age people working professional a lot of the money is spoken for. When I say this, I mean it's hard for anyone at the college to make 15k+ and not have to literally slave for it. You gotta do what you gotta do, but like others have said, sometimes its worth just waiting for it to come. It's even sweeter when it happens then. I've been in this shit since I was going into freshman year, summer between middle and 9th grade. I grad' in 05, so it was either 00 or 01, i forget. I JUST got my first truck on bags, and hell its just the front. I tried with 4 other rides and wasted a shit ton of money on them trying to have it all done only to sell my parts and start over with 1/4 the money I put into it. I don't regret it, I learned a lot from every ride, but if I would have kept my mazda, it would have been bagged and shit buy now. Blew the motor supposedly (mechanic said) now im at that stage 3 years later with my yota. Except I KNOW I fucked this one up
Just stay at it, if you need some help doin minor things I'm down to let you roll in my garage for the day, I bet if you need some work done to fix your handles and shit you could afford Innovative, they are very reasonable on their prices and do sick work.