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Mini Truckin General \  I QUIT DRINKING... who's with me?

I QUIT DRINKING... who's with me?

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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jeebus @ mmw   +1y
Edited: 8/12/2008 7:07:47 PM by Chopped Mazda

Edited: 8/12/2008 6:55:51 PM by Chopped Mazda

jeesh, you guys are acting like beer is the anti-christ.

If your not responsible enough to beable to drink a beer or two in public at a show, without getting fuckfaced drunk and causing a scene or breaking something, then its YOU that is to blame not the beer. The alcahol is not the problem, its your pussy lack of self control.

Being an adult, i reseve the right to beable to sip on a cold beer at a show with a few friends. Im also responsible enough to know when to switch it over to water.

To be dead honest with you, im 27 now, and i havent been "drunk" since my 21st birthday. I really dont like to drink, but occasionally, when im at a show with friends that i dont get to see all to often, i will be cought with a beer. does that mean that, I will now be the outcast? or looked down upon because of the new "Anti-Beer" view of everyone?

IT seems like people should be more concearned with these peoples lack of self control when it comes to drinking. If you cant sit down and have few cold ones, and still act like a responsible adult, your a moron.

idk, like i said, I dont drink alcahol hardly ever, and when i do its deffinentally in moderation, but this whole anti-beer stuff is rediculous. It makes me wonder if it was some regular joe who started this thread, instead of mike, if everyone would be agreeing. idk, thats just me.

I get that people need to set an example for future generations of mini-truckers to keep these shows around, and im all for that, being a good rolemodel is something to be proud of. But cant you accomplish the same thing by promoting drinking in moderation and knowing when to stop? Instead of banishing it all together?....

HotRodDime   +1y
Taylor, I'm in no way saying drinking is bad, HELL WE ALL KNOW I LIKE MY BEER! this is not something that I'm at all saying everyone should do... if you read my post... I'm just doing it to make sure that I CAN HAVE FUN with my friends at a show WITHOUT drinking... I'm doing it for myself

Moderation is KEY!!!!

I'm not at all saying everyone should quit drinking It's just what I'm doing to better myself, and of course i'll still have a beer with friends, and enjoy a beer pong championship now and again

Sorry if I gave the wrong impression

I'm doing this for me... but for everyoned else to do their part, moderation is the way to go.

Shit, I've always hated the non drinkers that knock the guys for having a beer or two that think they're better than someone for not drinking... so that's not at all where I was trying to head

stcaddad   +1y
Sweet! you can drive my drunk ass around! LOL!!
woo. designated driver.

good luck mike.. i am starting to slow down myself.
SubCulture S10   +1y

last time I saw you we had a beer or for you brother, and you know what? I only have a beer or two, if I want to feel "Happy" I wait til the day is over and I'm in thr hotel, but I never get to the point to where I act a fool, or miss the next morning due to the drinking.

But I respect that decision...Now if guys/shows stop acting like its a Porn show, maybe the scene would get better. so Thumbs up!!
SeveredBody   +1y
Edited: 8/12/2008 8:03:49 PM by BODYDROD

slowing down or stopping is a good thing to do. I agree with not getting out of control drunk, i need to stop doing that myself or my wife's gonna kill me. But as far as overall not drinking at shows, I dont see that happening for me for a long time, I just hope SEMA doesnt kill me lol.
HotRodDime   +1y
Originally posted by stcaddad

Sweet! you can drive my drunk ass around! LOL!!

no prob

a lot of ppl I know have gotten DUIs, one thing I'm very thankful for is being able to drive a buddy home or let him crash at my pad

expLOWer   +1y
I'm proud of your mission bro, because it is possible! I am 24 and have been going to big shows since I was 18 and I have never drank a drop of alcohol and I have some of the best times of my life at shows!
aon-teach   +1y
Mike, I respect that decision 100%. I never drink at shows because I'm always the one driving my ride home. I've seen plenty of people roll out drunk off their ass. I just hope none of them ever hit another person. That could be life changing/destroying. Stick to it!
bjscustombillet   +1y
I dont really chime in all that much but here is my two cents for what its worth. Mike, If thats you decision good for you, and its cool that you are getting all this support. Everybody I know that likes the grown up pop has had to do it one time or another, for one reason or another including me. Good luck to you cause it's gonna be tough. On another note I agree that the whole scene needs to police itself. Being one of the older guys I have witnessed the scene go up and down. Persaonally I think its on an uphill swing right now. Especially with TRUCK shows like Havoc. Sure there were some issues, but all in all things wre pretty good. I know, I know the whole golf cart issue caused a stir. If I was at all responsible for any of it i will gladly take the blame. Sure at the end of saturday some friends and I were screwing of on golf carts on the two race tracks, but here is the deal. WE DIDNT TEAR ANYTHING UP AND STILL HAD FUN! you just have to know where to draw the line, Its a matter of respect. It is possible to have fun drink beer and not destroy other people or there property. Maybe the clubs should take a look at how the biker clubs do things. If a member is out of hand, they take care of it amongst themselves. End of story.