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McCain vs Obama

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danshoods   +1y
Edited: 10/8/2008 8:21:15 AM by D RULER

CHOSN1   +1y
I'm fucking tired of politicians using national tragedies to use in their ads. What a bunch of fucking pussies. Politicians here in Texas are using the Hurricane Ike in their ads, 700 Billion bailout.. I'm proud to be an American. I served my country but this shit is pissing me off. AIG spending over $500,000 of our money that was suppose to go to bailing them out. If I was a terrorist I would consider hitting the US again. We are probably at our weakest. I just saw on news that blacks are trying to register more than once so they can get Obama in office. 30-40 year olds who probably never voted in their life but as soon as a black man runs, they are all about voting. FUCK THIS SHIT. We are electing the wrong person for the wrong reason. I'm republican but I feel Clinton would have been a better choice. Oh well, I'm going to go get drunk.. peace
sadisticiron   +1y
check this video out.

the democrats wanted to bail out wallstreet. they pressured everybody to vote for their mistake. but when john mcCain said he would help homeowners out with redoing their mortgages. obama said that wouldnt work. in his new ad he said that a 350 billion dollar bailout for working americans wasnt going to work. but it was ok to bail out AIG and the stockmarket that cost over 700 billion dollars. fucking socialist bastard.its not fair that normal working class americans, white, black, mexican, indians, asian, muslim, europeans, whatever their race has to suffer because the democrates didnt want to regulate fannie mae or freddie mac.the people that can afford to live in a house and have the credit to leave in a house need help. we have to sit back and watch the value of our house decline because they screw it all up......FUCKING ASSHOLES

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sadisticiron   +1y
Edited: 10/10/2008 8:58:54 PM by sadisticiron

Shot at 2008-10-10

Shot at 2008-10-10

From Dreams of My Father:'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father : 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.' From Dreams of My Father:'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.' From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.' From Dreams of My Father:'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself , the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.' And FINALLY the Most Damning one of ALL of them!!! From Audacity of Hope:'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'
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hitncry   +1y
I don't expect to change your minds. I figure most people have made their own personal decisions by now.

You seem to have so many facts about Obama Bobby, but why don't you do some similar research about your own candidate? Because all you seem to do is point the focus in one direction.

Do some more economic research too. Buying up all the bad mortgages won't work. In all reality, though you hear about Fannie and Freddie a lot lately, They really had very little to do with it. They're being used as scapegoats. I'm not saying they didn't do wrong, but they actually got into the game that caused the credit crisis pretty late. The sub-prime mortgage situation is also only a percentage of whats going on economically.

I really want to see America revered again as a great superpower in the eyes of the world. As a place people would appreciate and strive to be like again. Personally I just don't think McCain can take us there. He doesn't have the proper verbal communication skills. As I recently laughed about hearing "Stevie wonder reads a teleprompter better than John McCain."

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drtbiker182   +1y
I honestly dont like either of them. But when it comes down to it, McCain is who im voting for.
thacru78   +1y
The qoutes from his book amaze amazes me because he clearly is not afraid to express his feelings about white people. First it was his Racist grandmother being a "Typical White Person". Now all the quotes from his book about white people....yet there are still so many white people supporting this clown. The white house is no place for racism...specially blatant racism like he has. Obama thinks all the nations in the world can all hold hands and sing love songs...meanwhile Bin Laden is stockpiling nukes...Russia is starting to invade neighboring countries...China ia a mammoth country with probably 4 times the amount of soldiers as the US. That hold hands shit isn't going to work...he's gonna change the flag, change the national anthem, and then change this country. He's gonna turn this country into some weak little bitches to get punked in the lunchroom everyday. This country was founded on war, has been protected by war, and will be defeated by a Anti-war Obama. Soon as he cuts funding to the military, and we lose our edge it's over. I'm just trying to figure out if i'm going to become Mexican or Canadian!!!!
fatboysS1O   +1y
have yall seen the interviews Howard Stern did on his show regarding the people voting for Obama? its scary and hilarious at the same time. youtube it if u havent seen it.
Balzout Sparkin   +1y
I don't know how many times now I've heard someone say, "He would just be the president, it's not like he would have the sole power to control our country!" about Obama. Then turn around and say that Bush has single handedly destroyed America. WTF??
I think as an American public, we the people need to step up and actually give a damn about the society we live in. I do not understand why every January for the last 6/7 years millions of people sit and watch tens of thousands of people, 2 to 3 nights a week for 5 months and vote between what a final 12 or 24 to be the next American Idol. If we can do that every January, then why can't we start a similar voting process 12 months prior to each election? Let's choose between a couple of dozen people, rather than between two political party's and whomever has the money or the ability to get money from their supporters to represent those parties.
Also, I think there should be a cap on what is allowed to be spent for campaigning. The country is in horrid shape right now financially, but our candidates are spending millions upon millions of dollars (of course not their money, their supporters money) on television, radio and printed ads! WTF?????? You have the average family at risk of losing the home they live in while these bastards just spent enough to pay off said families mortgage for a 10 second radio ad! AHHHH anyway, I'd keep ranting if it actually made a difference.
sadisticiron   +1y
Edited: 10/24/2008 12:21:12 AM by sadisticiron