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McCain vs Obama

Off-topic General Discussions
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Wicked Fantacies   +1y
We need more photoshops damn it! lol
jdm customs   +1y
WE THE PEOPLE dont care anymore, thats why this country has been over run by a dictorial tyrannical beast. It is WE THE PEOPLE who are supposed to keep the gov. in check. The gov. is way too big and voting for the lesser of 2 evils is still an evil. Our presidents are picked for us and there is no differance between the 2. Ron Paul was our only hope to get back to the constitution. But he was blacked out by our corp. media. Thats why no one even knows who he is.
bgp1mpin   +1y
this election is history repeating itself plain and simple. some guy riding in to save the day from the rich oppressive upper crust who runs things this has happened before and it didnt work out so well. anybody remember hitler? it is exactly the same way he came into power and we have to stop it this time. obama is nothing more than a socialist he thinks people who earn money should give it to the people who refuse to its ridiculous. the only people who will benefit from his tax cuts are the same people already benefitting from welfare and all the other lazy shits not the working people.
granth   +1y
Originally posted by sadexcuse4s10

i'm gonna vote for mccain, just because obama is blowing smoke up everybody's ass with all these endless promises. It's just funny that people actually think he'll be able to do anything if he gets in.

and if he does get in, some crazy fool from 'bama, arkansas, or mississippe that lives in a shanty is gonna pop his ass with a .50 cal rifle from a mile or 2 away.

or some brother from the hood is gunna pop mccain. i see either one getting assassinated.

i saw a shirt the other day that managed to somehow compare obama to MLK Jr. this was a black lady wearing it, so i asked her how they even came close to comparing and her answer was "they are about the same thing, the uplifting of the black community."

THAT is why obama will be elected, even though he's whiter than bryant gumble.
drtbiker182   +1y
In all honesty whether your republican or democrat.. we all should be ashamed that mccain and obama have been selected as "the best" representation for there party. Who knows.. our country is fucked.. no matter who gets in there.
granth   +1y
as for only tree huggers knowing about ron paul........its not that, its because the mass media didn't agree with a word he said so he wasn't publicized other than SHORT speeches. a low budget candidate with morals and good ideas, is going to get FAR LESS publicity than a rich moron of any race that leans hard in either direction.
JPeventsxx   +1y
I don't know at this point who I will vote for and more importantly the electoral will decide anyway, but ponder on this.

1. If McCain pushes daises during his term, his vp has no experience with foreign affairs. Dealing with native people in Alaska does not count.

2. If Obama win's he has no real deep experience in foreign affairs either.

3. This country gave Bush two terms and he had no experience at all.

I think we should vote for the candidate that has the right strategic exit plan to get out of the middle east. I believe that we were sold a bill goods( I voted for bush) as it relates to weapons of mass destruction and now we spend millions of tax dollars on justifying a bad decision.

The electoral college will vote for the president of their choice, so we can get this thread to 100 pages and it's not going to matter.


Big Rik   +1y
I personally dont like either one, but based on Biden as VP choice ill vote republican to save my gun rights. Biden is totally anti-gun, and ill be damned if ill give up my second ammendment rights to a party who says they will uphold the constitution, but then finds was to circumvent that.

This could be a defining moment in history, god knows what could happen. First black president, first woman VP, first assasination attempt since Reagan are all definitely a possibility.

You guys better think hard about your futures. Especially if you own weapons, along with all the other tax bullshit. If the democrats take it we are gonna pay out the ass in taxes unless we are dirty poor or filthy rich. I see martial law in our near future.
cap10rob   +1y
Too bad Tina Fey is not on SNL anymore, she would make a great Sarah Palin
xxpapabearxx   +1y
None of the brothers from the hoods that I know will even vote for Osama... It was funny cuz even snoop dogg was clowning on him on the radio... And I believe comparing MLK to Osama is an insult to MLK... Like many have stated before, I think he's even starting to believe all the shit that he's promising... I also agree with the one who said people getting their manginas hurt on here and stuff cuz is not gonna change anything... people keep pointing out good stuff from both sides it's not gonna matter cuz we don't have the last say on it...

Originally posted by 72bumpside

Originally posted by sadexcuse4s10

i'm gonna vote for mccain, just because obama is blowing smoke up everybody's ass with all these endless promises. It's just funny that people actually think he'll be able to do anything if he gets in.

and if he does get in, some crazy fool from 'bama, arkansas, or mississippe that lives in a shanty is gonna pop his ass with a .50 cal rifle from a mile or 2 away.

or some brother from the hood is gunna pop mccain. i see either one getting assassinated.

i saw a shirt the other day that managed to somehow compare obama to MLK Jr. this was a black lady wearing it, so i asked her how they even came close to comparing and her answer was "they are about the same thing, the uplifting of the black community."

THAT is why obama will be elected, even though he's whiter than bryant gumble.