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McCain vs Obama

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Big Rik   +1y
The other thing that bothers me about all this, people talk about how Bush did this or that. How do we so quickly forget that after 9/11 he had the highest approval rating of any other American president in history.

When we went to war in Afghanistan the country supported it full force, same when we first went into Iraq. Im not saying the public was misled, but we supported it by the millions, we cheered our troops on, played that Toby Keith song, we flew flags. Now all we do is bitch bitch bitch.

Our boys are there doing the job they new existed, and they may be called upon to do regardless of the circumstances. I support our troops, and damn sure hope whoever is elected does the same.

Someone sitting behind a fucking desk has no idea whats its like to having bullets whizzing at them from every angle, or know what its like to have a brother die in your arms. They want to pull the troops out, they say this not because they want to, because they want you to believe it.

Everyone, even the Dems have said they know we cant just up and pull out, but people think thats whats going to happen if they get into office. That will cost more of our troops lives that the war already.

Im so sick of hearing these cowardly desk jockeys claim to know whats right and wrong, at least McCain has done his time in the service and even more so was a POW, you better belive if he does something realted to our military its going to have some thought behind it instead of the influence of the american public and the thoughts of someone who has never been in combat. For gods sake Obama has done things (the national anthem incident just to name one) that if had been done in the aftermath of 9/11 and him running for office he would have been strung up from the town square and put on public display.

Think hard about this decision.
xxpapabearxx   +1y
Amen brother... It's good to know that we still have people out there that realize what we have done and why we have done it... Originally posted by Big Rik

The other thing that bothers me about all this, people talk about how Bush did this or that. How do we so quickly forget that after 9/11 he had the highest approval rating of any other American president in history.

When we went to war in Afghanistan the country supported it full force, same when we first went into Iraq. Im not saying the public was misled, but we supported it by the millions, we cheered our troops on, played that Toby Keith song, we flew flags. Now all we do is bitch bitch bitch.

Our boys are there doing the job they new existed, and they may be called upon to do regardless of the circumstances. I support our troops, and damn sure hope whoever is elected does the same.

Someone sitting behind a fucking desk has no idea whats its like to having bullets whizzing at them from every angle, or know what its like to have a brother die in your arms. They want to pull the troops out, they say this not because they want to, because they want you to believe it.

Everyone, even the Dems have said they know we cant just up and pull out, but people think thats whats going to happen if they get into office. That will cost more of our troops lives that the war already.

Im so sick of hearing these cowardly desk jockeys claim to know whats right and wrong, at least McCain has done his time in the service and even more so was a POW, you better belive if he does something realted to our military its going to have some thought behind it instead of the influence of the american public and the thoughts of someone who has never been in combat. For gods sake Obama has done things (the national anthem incident just to name one) that if had been done in the aftermath of 9/11 and him running for office he would have been strung up from the town square and put on public display.

Think hard about this decision.

Big Rik   +1y
Edited: 8/31/2008 1:07:26 AM by Big Rik

Originally posted by XpapabearL

Amen brother... It's good to know that we still have people out there that realize what we have done and why we have done it... Originally posted by Big Rik

The other thing that bothers me about all this, people talk about how Bush did this or that. How do we so quickly forget that after 9/11 he had the highest approval rating of any other American president in history.

When we went to war in Afghanistan the country supported it full force, same when we first went into Iraq. Im not saying the public was misled, but we supported it by the millions, we cheered our troops on, played that Toby Keith song, we flew flags. Now all we do is bitch bitch bitch.

Our boys are there doing the job they new existed, and they may be called upon to do regardless of the circumstances. I support our troops, and damn sure hope whoever is elected does the same.

Someone sitting behind a fucking desk has no idea whats its like to having bullets whizzing at them from every angle, or know what its like to have a brother die in your arms. They want to pull the troops out, they say this not because they want to, because they want you to believe it.

Everyone, even the Dems have said they know we cant just up and pull out, but people think thats whats going to happen if they get into office. That will cost more of our troops lives that the war already.

Im so sick of hearing these cowardly desk jockeys claim to know whats right and wrong, at least McCain has done his time in the service and even more so was a POW, you better belive if he does something realted to our military its going to have some thought behind it instead of the influence of the american public and the thoughts of someone who has never been in combat. For gods sake Obama has done things (the national anthem incident just to name one) that if had been done in the aftermath of 9/11 and him running for office he would have been strung up from the town square and put on public display.

Think hard about this decision.

You guys have my support, regardless of status. Active, discharged, retired, veteran. People have stopped looking at the real issue and to me that is regardless of whether or not a soldier support a war/conflict, its his job to do it.

Protest the war, your protesting the wrong people. Every war protester ive ever seen that have directed their anger at the soldiers fighting for their very freedom to say it, should really take a trip over to iraq and stay.

I know we have lost a lot of young men and women over there, but compare that to the amount we lost in WWII, roughly about a half million. Not to villify and say one human life is worth more than another, but these people are not their by thier own choice, thier own personal beliefs, or any thing else, they are there because ITS THEIR JOB.

The main thing that set me off about Cindy Shehan, was that she was talking about how her son died unneccessarily. Whther or not this is true, i havent researched and wouldnt speculate, but he was an enlisted soldier, which means he knew the risks involved when he signed the papers. She not only made herself look like a fool, but to me she discraced her sons name and reputation.

You want my opinion on politics, get former service men and women in the cabinet, HoR, Congress and the Whitehouse. Then bitch when we go to war. I want to see our troops home just as much as everyone else, but the price of freedom is sometimes of the highest cost. Do people really think a jihad stops when we leave their country?

Thanks for your service, and all the other service men and women, there are people out there who support everything youve done regardless of the outcome. In another time, or under different circumstances, i would have proudly stood beside them and fought and died for this country if the need was there. (I still would, although i have a diffucult time passing Basic due to my size) For whats its worth i would gladly go fight right now if the military would allow in overweight people.

Point is, politicians only care about one thing VOTES. They tell everyone they will do this or that, and even though we all know politicians are liars, we seem to believe them every year. We hope for these new promises to come to fruition. At least we live in a free country where its our right to decide who we would like to see in there.
bgp1mpin   +1y
yeah people forget that we were still an occupying peace force in germany into the 90s over 40 years after the war was over. war is just the beginning we can't leave, we broke their country so now we gotta fix it for the good of all of us. leaving is a slap in the face to the iraqis who want a better country and the beliefs this country stands for all of the military who are serving all that have served and it would be taking a big shit on the graves of those who died.
xxpapabearxx   +1y
"You want my opinion on politics, get former service men and women in the cabinet, HoR, Congress and the Whitehouse."
impounded dakota   +1y
Alright, i am going to attempt to be a little more optimistic about this than my first post, in this thread. First and foremost, I truly do not care which side you choose to vote for, as long as your decision is some what informed, on some basic level.

First off, OBAMA IS NOT GOING TO TAKE AWAY YOUR GUNS... for Christ sake. This country was founded on the right to bare arms, and no one with any basic understanding of government or checks and balances would ever say that, with a straight face, because it is an impossibility. Even if the democratic party held the house (and agreed with that crazy idea), and held the senate (and also agreed with that same crazy idea) then you still have the supreme court to make the final decision on such a matter. This is why our forefathers took the time to create such an in depth system, as to avoid certain potential important decisions, being made by a single man, or a single party so easily.

Secondly, MILITARY/POLITICAL EXPERIENCE IS WHAT WE HAVE HAD IN THE WHITE HOUSE FOR THE LAST 8 YEARS, and look where it has gotten us. This should not be the gold standard as to how we choose a leader, period. If it was soo important, it would be a pre-requisite to become president in the constitution, but it is not. Too much experience in politics does nothing but promote stagnation, and if anything it makes most of us believe (true or not) that politicians are bought and paid for by the "highest bidder" by some corp rate lobbyists. That said, Military experience, on the other hand, shouldn't be cast aside as unimportant, McCain's military background Can be held as very important during a time of war, but right now all he cares to preach, is the same thing the last puppet was preaching, (full deployment in Iraq for the duration of at least 10 to 30 years) and if that is what we're voting for, what's really the point? If he is of a sound military based mind, why not a new strategy? Why not a new approach? Why not a new well thought out angle? Take it a step further, if experience is so important for most of you guys, why are you voting for a 72 year old man, who would be the oldest president in united states history (beating old Ronnie by 3 years) to whom if he dies, would leave the us controlled by the least experienced Governor in the united states? Oh but it's ok, she's white, and she's hot... right?

Don't get me wrong, I was a Huge supporter of John McCain before he started to do his follow the leader spiel the last few years, and of all of you in this thread who will be voting for him, most of you should probably do your self a favor and look up what he really went through in Vietnam, and what he actually sacrificed, it's sad when the guy not voting for him knows more about him than his supporters. Despite his past sacrifices, his present day alliances force me to choose anyone but him I'm sorry, At this point I'd choose a bum off the street with no political ties before I'd choose McCain.
SoDakminis   +1y
thanks... your right they cannot take away our guns...all they want to do is lower the possibility of some asshole off the street gettin an automatic rifle... doesnt mean you still cant own one..
humanmachinehead   +1y
i don't keep up with politics well enough to make an informed vote, but i think if obama gets it, he'll get assainated. Everyone i've talked to seems to think so
gorillagarage   +1y
Originally posted by SoDakminis

thanks... your right they cannot take away our guns...all they want to do is lower the possibility of some asshole off the street gettin an automatic rifle... doesnt mean you still cant own one..

they cant take away guns but they can put a lot of laws into effect. here in chicago if you live in the city limits you cannot purchase a handgun. in california you can only have a 10 or 12 round clip where other states you can have 16. there was tons of stuff that was banned during the clinton administration.

its not just about guns this is where it starts then it just continues and the whole thing about some asshole getting one on the street its gonna happen none of these guys purchase guns leagally
xxpapabearxx   +1y