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AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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mr donut   +1y
hey joe i heard matt petro was going to be working for you. trying to help rebuild the chassie tech brand. i hope that is true cause you could not ask for a better person to work with. matt has came down to our show in P.C. FL. SPRING FLING for the past couple of years and it has always been a pleasure hanging out with him. as a matter of fact i will be ordering a set of air cylinders and brackets for a friends acura legend on thurs. from your company. it seems like you guys are the only company that has what i need. i have ordered spindles from you before and had no problem with them. they accually showed up sooner than i thought they would. i usually order from G.F.C. since i used to work there but they did not have what i needed.
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by mr donut

hey joe i heard matt petro was going to be working for you. trying to help rebuild the chassie tech brand. i hope that is true cause you could not ask for a better person to work with. matt has came down to our show in P.C. FL. SPRING FLING for the past couple of years and it has always been a pleasure hanging out with him. as a matter of fact i will be ordering a set of air cylinders and brackets for a friends acura legend on thurs. from your company. it seems like you guys are the only company that has what i need. i have ordered spindles from you before and had no problem with them. they accually showed up sooner than i thought they would. i usually order from G.F.C. since i used to work there but they did not have what i needed. Brian,Matt is keeping his options open at this point. He is not able to move to Phoenix for the near future. I have passed your message on to him. He is visiting my competitor in Sacramento today.

Take care, I have everything in stock and ready to go.

Thanks for the Post

HaVoC1   +1y
Edited: 9/17/2008 4:32:16 PM by HaVoC1

Originally posted by blazerss

your absolutely right hearsay does travel fast i work at street beat customs and i would like to inform everyone that we are open for business as usual and i do not apreciate rumors that we are closed. i remember you havoc1 when we helped you out.

And thank you for that. I have continued and will continue doing business with you guys as well.

But to Joe. Let me also point out that the compressor(s) I got from StreetBeat wasnt even their own compressor, they were just the distributor, and still willing to help.

The reason I asked if you'd stand behind your product is because you are the manufacturer. As far as hear say and whatever else you said in response to me. Not quite the answer I was looking for as it isnt hear say because I have bought your products and have had issues but this was supposed to be a positive thread right? Granted my issues were a while ago, you also said that the problems that people were complaining about were from years back... Well maybe thats because people got burned then and havent bought from you since.

Just a thought.

And the answer I was looking/hoping for is a solution like your response to DJD. Willing to product test. Show REAL results of how your products work, not just you saying they are good or your ads saying they are good.

And there are other ways to prove yourself as well without the customer taking all the risk. i hope you explore those routes too.

ReviewsForAIM   +1y
Edited: 9/17/2008 4:45:24 PM by ReviewsForAIM

Hi, well im here to just clear the whole website stuff up. Im the owner of , the site that joe was talking about. Im no way related to joe. Im not one of his employes or a freind im just a random guy who sent joe an email after seeing the SSM and S10forum threads.. I was asking him about his control arms, and then some how i had an idea to make a site to review his products to show pepole how good/bad they are.. im not on AIM's side or anyone elses side, my truck has AIM, AVS, SD, Cando, parts.. The site is up but not very content rich at this time, i need to purchase some products from them so i can start doing test and reviews on them. All of my reviews will be 100% honest, and include some test with full vid's and pictures. If you guys got any questions just reply back here or emial me at
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by HaVoC1

Edited: 9/17/2008 4:32:16 PM by HaVoC1

Originally posted by blazerss

your absolutely right hearsay does travel fast i work at street beat customs and i would like to inform everyone that we are open for business as usual and i do not apreciate rumors that we are closed. i remember you havoc1 when we helped you out.

And thank you for that. I have continued and will continue doing business with you guys as well.

I am ahead of you on this one havoc..

Here is a copy of my email exchange with Doug 20 minutes before your post:

Doug,I will not require a return of the unit.

The Unit I wish to test will be a DC7000 which is a 3/4HP unit. I also have a 1HP DC9000 unit that takes an initial hit on the amps. The attached specs are exactly what was on Viar website, and Zenith was given to us from a dealer. Tell me where to send the unit/s. I am a believer that most compressor issues come from the installers understanding of check valves, wiring, and running them with negative battery draw with the engine off.

Thank you for your help in moving this forward,

But to Joe. Let me also point out that the compressor(s) I got from StreetBeat wasnt even their own compressor, they were just the distributor, and still willing to help.

The reason I asked if you'd stand behind your product is because you are the manufacturer. As far as hear say and whatever else you said in response to me. Not quite the answer I was looking for as it isnt hear say because I have bought your products and have had issues but this was supposed to be a positive thread right? Granted my issues were a while ago, you also said that the problems that people were complaining about were from years back... Well maybe thats because people got burned then and havent bought from you since.

Just a thought.

And the answer I was looking/hoping for is a solution like your response to DJD. Willing to product test. Show REAL results of how your products work, not just you saying they are good or your ads saying they are good.

And there are other ways to prove yourself as well without the customer taking all the risk. i hope you explore those routes too.


joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by HaVoC1

Edited: 9/17/2008 4:32:16 PM by HaVoC1

Originally posted by blazerss

your absolutely right hearsay does travel fast i work at street beat customs and i would like to inform everyone that we are open for business as usual and i do not apreciate rumors that we are closed. i remember you havoc1 when we helped you out.

And thank you for that. I have continued and will continue doing business with you guys as well.

But to Joe. Let me also point out that the compressor(s) I got from StreetBeat wasnt even their own compressor, they were just the distributor, and still willing to help.

The reason I asked if you'd stand behind your product is because you are the manufacturer. As far as hear say and whatever else you said in response to me. Not quite the answer I was looking for as it isnt hear say because I have bought your products and have had issues but this was supposed to be a positive thread right? Granted my issues were a while ago, you also said that the problems that people were complaining about were from years back... Well maybe thats because people got burned then and havent bought from you since.

Just a thought.

And the answer I was looking/hoping for is a solution like your response to DJD. Willing to product test. Show REAL results of how your products work, not just you saying they are good or your ads saying they are good.

And there are other ways to prove yourself as well without the customer taking all the risk. i hope you explore those routes too.


Jake,I am ahead of you on this one.... Here is an email exchange between Doug and myself 20 minutes ago. Tx Joe

Doug,I will not require a return of the unit.

The Unit I wish to test will be a DC7000 which is a 3/4HP unit. I also have a 1HP DC9000 unit that takes an initial hit on the amps. The attached specs are exactly what was on Viar website, and Zenith was given to us from a dealer. Tell me where to send the unit/s. I am a believer that most compressor issues come from the installers understanding of check valves, wiring, and running them with negative battery draw with the engine off.

Thank you,

joemorrow   +1y

What product do you want to review after a compressor?

HaVoC1   +1y
Edited: 9/17/2008 7:08:15 PM by HaVoC1

Originally posted by joemorrow


What product do you want to review after a compressor?

Bags. If you will. Either your classic bags (the gold top ones) or your 'denominator' bags. But preferably the old ones considering AVS is selling them, Street Beat has a bin of them in their show room and Ive seen them a few other places...

As far as the 4 link question/comment earlier, Im not saying that yours have failed, that was just an instance, but I have heard/seen some issues with the bags and compressors.

I've heard of issues with the valves but never seen them in person so I cant speak for that one. But it might be an idea for later on down the road. Im not about to ask you to throw one of all your products out there to be tried and trued, but you taking this step definately shows effort and moving forward.

And Ive seen Doug's product testing before and as he said he is VERY non-biased and is VERY VERY VERY capable of that task.

I respect you taking this into consideration and hope to see the results.

Thank you Joe.
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by HaVoC1

Edited: 9/17/2008 7:08:15 PM by HaVoC1

Originally posted by joemorrow


What product do you want to review after a compressor?

Bags. If you will. Either your classic bags (the gold top ones) or your 'denominator' bags. But preferably the old ones considering AVS is selling them, Street Beat has a bin of them in their show room and Ive seen them a few other places...

As far as the 4 link question/comment earlier, Im not saying that yours have failed, that was just an instance, but I have heard/seen some issues with the bags and compressors.

I've heard of issues with the valves but never seen them in person so I cant speak for that one. But it might be an idea for later on down the road. Im not about to ask you to throw one of all your products out there to be tried and trued, but you taking this step definately shows effort and moving forward.

And Ive seen Doug's product testing before and as he said he is VERY non-biased and is VERY VERY VERY capable of that task.

I respect you taking this into consideration and hope to see the results.

Thank you Joe.

I am ready to have Doug De Haven BLOW up my bags along Firestone, ContiTech, Slam Air at any time he wants to set up the test. Lets proceed.

Thank you,

ST LayDBurBan   +1y
I want to say that after careful review of this forum,I would like to extend my thanks you to SSM and AIM,For being Adult minded and moving forward.. I am now ready to review your online catalog and check into purchasing some products from your company. Thank you for resolving these issues.. and to the future of our community...have a good night.