Edited: 9/17/2008 4:45:24 PM by ReviewsForAIM
Hi, well im here to just clear the whole website stuff up. Im the owner of
http://ReviewsForAIM.com , the site that joe was talking about. Im no way related to joe. Im not one of his employes or a freind im just a random guy who sent joe an email after seeing the SSM and S10forum threads.. I was asking him about his control arms, and then some how i had an idea to make a site to review his products to show pepole how good/bad they are.. im not on AIM's side or anyone elses side, my truck has AIM, AVS, SD, Cando, parts.. The site is up but not very content rich at this time, i need to purchase some products from them so i can start doing test and reviews on them. All of my reviews will be 100% honest, and include some test with full vid's and pictures. If you guys got any questions just reply back here or emial me at