--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by low mazda --------------------------------------------- Originally posted by joemorrow --------------------------------------------- Originally posted by low mazda well, I went and ordered some bags. Thought I was ordering some single port bags and they came double port. 2 of them look used and have teflon tape in the ports. I done this against my better judgement, and did anyway. I won't again. I needed the bags asap, so there is no sending them back, so I just had to plug one hole on each bag. Anyhow, I learned my lesson, and will stick with the smaller company's from now on. After the expensive shipping from AIM, it would have cost the same from somewhere else anyhow. This is my personal experience and this is my situation. No helping it now. --------------------------------------------- From Joe Morrow (Low Mazda) img{max-
width:720px} A member said that he was upset with us because two of the bags looked used. They were NOT used. We experienced a customer that had a small leak a few weeks ago on a #2600 bag, so we took the time to Leak Test each and every #2600 bag under pressure/water before shipping them. Now I get into trouble for leaktesting a bag? This is not right, I just wanted to test before shipping. Yes, the bags had dual 1/2" ports, but we should have sent plugs to seal the extra port. It is possible they were left out of the shipment. We NEVER ship a used bag Joe Morrow <!-- "' --> --------------------------------------------- Joe, if that's the case, how come only two of them have used threads? I am a mechanic and I can tell when something has been threaded. Two of them still have the rubber plugs in all the holes, and no tape in the threads. The two that do have tape in the threads also have rust in the threads. Sounds like a liley excuse that was made up after someone bitched. Like I said, I tried against my better judgement to buy from you guys, and after these bags, I will not again. Shipping prices are way too high, and the quality is still not there. I didn't expect a change overnight, and I hope all the rest of your customers can stay happy. I was definately hoping for a better experience with you guys than what I have read about and it didn't happen. I am going to use the bags, and if anything happens with them, I will throw them away and buy some Slams. --------------------------------------------- That is exactly what I said. We only leak tested the #2600 bags because they were the only ones we experienced a leak. You MUST screw the fittings in to leak test them. There is no way that I am trying to cover anything up. Just send the bags back, I will pay freight and ship you two more, but you can bet I am going to leak test them just like we did the first two. To leak test them we submerge them in water. I will advise my stock pullers to lubricate the threads so as to not be subject to rust. Also, our shipping prices are not too high. We do charge $39 on the two bag Free Special and it is spelled out online and in big letters in the ad. If you want to pay $236 for four bags (reg price) then the shipping is based on your zip code and averages $25 instead of $39, but on the East Coast it still would be $39 or more. We offer the Free bag special as a one size fits all when it comes to freight. You paid $118 plus $39 for a total of $157 as opposed to the everyday price of $236 plus $25 shipping. I did NOT sell you used bags as you claim, and in any event, just send them back. I will be happy to give you a return authorization. Actually, I do not think I could please you no matter what, but I will try if you allow me to... Just try to get an answer from the owner of any of the other companies. I am always there for any problem, and always have been. In this case, I am in trouble for installing fittings and leak testing the bags to INSURE your bags were perfect. Sorry, but please work with me and stop bashing me for being there for you. Your return authorization is #JM3-12 if you elect to use it. Put it clearly on the outside of the box.