--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by ProHopper This has been really interesting reading material, I have been in the custom car and truck scene my whole life and when I started building my own vehicles I always heard rumors and things that led me to order from other companies but as I have gotten older and realized that there are so many retards perpetuating the rumors and with a big company like AIM there always will be, and most of the time it will be user error. I needed a new set of bags so I said what the hell let me use my own experience with this company and see, so I called and spoke with Yuri Pham and I asked him a few questions about the bags and he assured me of the quality so I ordered a set of the 2600 denominator 2's, they should arrive tommorrow and I really hope they are as good as you guys claim because I want to order more stuff...... Thanks Joe and tell Yuri thanks too! --------------------------------------------- ProHopper, Thank you so very much for your posting. It is an honest, intelligent summation of objectivity. Your tracking number will be posted as soon as Yuri gets in. I want to take this opportunity to once again state my case. A bad posting "perpetuated" by a retard that has no actual experience with our company, stays on the web and becomes "truth in fact" to a young person that cannot objectively make his OWN decisions. This costs the community a lot of money because we are NOT a reseller or repackaging company that dropships from someone elses warehouse. We either Manufacture, or control the production of each and every part we sell. If we ever have a quality problem, we are all over it. Rarely do any of these "retards" have any first hand experience but they jump on the retard wagon and spread smack. If a "retard" reads this posting, they will not understand the following facts: Go to
http://www.quantcast.com/ and enter airbagit.com. You will find statistics that take years to build. When you have viewed the info, do the math that I will post below.
http://www.airbagit.com/ 56,638 Monthly Visits (not page views) 35,421 in Ranking. The lower the Rank, the more popular the site
http://www.avsontheweb.com/ 4,901 Monthly Visits (not page views) 248,625 in Ranking.
http://www.fbirides.com/ 28,634 Monthly Visits (not page views) 49,499 in Ranking.
http://www.suicidedoors.com/ 13,404 Monthly Visits (not page views) 104,148 in Ranking.
http://www.ridetech.com/ 23,746 Monthly Visits (not page views) 59,641 in Ranking.
http://www.ride-rite.com/ Firestone does not even have enough data to be rated
http://www.easyair.com/ 2,000 Monthly Visits 1,659,835 in Ranking.
http://www.airlift.com/ Airlift does not even have enough date to be rated. This means that Airbagit it has almost more visits per month than all of the competing companies COMBINED. This is where the math comes in. If you ran for President, you would get about 50% of the vote, while the other 50% hated you, and the retards would send INFO-EMAILS to perpetuate the hate, but most people are intelligent and objective and they see right thru the hate. But "retards" cannot tie their shoes, so how can they be independent thinkers and make up their own minds from the facts, not re-gurgitated smack/crap. Lets say AVS has 4,901 visits and 1% eventually purchases. This gives them 49 sales per month, & 49 opportunities to have a good or bad taste in the customers mouth. AVS 4,901, 1% = 49 AIRBAGIT 56,638, 1%=566 So this means we shipped 566 packages and have 566 opportunities to have a good or bad taste in the customers mouth. Simply put, which company would you rather own? We are still in business after 21 years and you know how to get ahold of me IF a problem should ever come up. Just email me at:
joe@chassistech.com and presto... you get a replay and a resolution IF THERE IS A PROBLEM. Try that with any other owner....if you can contact them at all.
http://i499.photobucket.com/albums/rr356/joemorrow/denominator.jpg Which company will still be in business if you have a problem downstream? 100% of our products are guaranteed against defects for as long as you own them. I will send anyone a pair of our bags and I will pay the freight both ways if you do not agree they are the best bag out there. Go ahead, try me out.. Email me and I will ship the same day. Thank you for allowing me to bend your ear...