Yes, jfl, I have to be honest and true to myself. You are making assumptions and jumping just a bit too fast.
FIRST you acknowledged you jumped and you actually apologized on the first issue of the inside bushings. It was explained to you that the X-Shafts could not be inserted if the bushings were the way you suggested.
SECOND there was a very minor cosmetic issue of a champher on two of the bushings. While minor, we APPRECIATE the feedback and within 15 minutes had you a tracking number.
THIRD In no way were you EVER MISLEAD on these being TIG welded. They are proudly MIG welded. We agree TIG welding is prettier and that could have been arranged.
FOURTH you have wrongly decided the arms have no strength to them. I told you I would post a picture/s to show you how they are welded. You could not determine the way they were welded without having witnessed the process, so I have taken pictures to show you are SIMPLY WRONG. Forgive my capitol letters because I quite frankly see you as a frustrated and unreasonable person that only wants to find fault.
I truly appreciate your constructive criticisms, but they are limited to the champher and the after effect of MIG welding, which in no way affects the quality. Please show your friend these pictures and be advised...
The balljoint seats are 1/2" metal plate, CNC machined to specs
The Balljoint seats have a 2" protrusion, which is inserted into the DOM THICK WALL tubing, and then Plug Welded at the hole, and beefed up all the way around. You will never find a stronger arm.... If you are the engineer you say you are, then give me and all of the forum members some BEEF without the presumptions you claim. I cannot please everyone, and I am resigned that I could never, ever please you. It is clear to any observer, that all you want to do is bust my balls. Try communicating with any other owner of a business of our size, and see if you even get a response, much less our untiring efforts to please your unsubstantiated claims. If you think this is a fly-by-nite company, then go to our website: and click on the webcams. We are not a web storefront, but a real honest to goodness manufacturing facility in business for 21 years at the SAME location. I would bend over backwards to help you, but there is no pleasing you. Please, lighten up. Sincerely, Joe Morrow