I've done it twice. Once it worked well & the other time I got screwed.
The first one was straight forward...mechanic's lein, add in the paper of my home town & the previous owner's, police inspection, little paperwork & it was mine.
Second one was (still is) a nightmare. Followed the same procedure & began building it. Half way through the deal I got a call from some finance company's lawyer saying the guy I bought it from used it as an asset in his bankruptcy and they were coming to get it but I had it so dismantled they couldn't take it. My lawyer said that there's some sort of time frame in which they must take control of property and that was well expired and now the storage fee alone is much more than the truck was valued by the bankruptcy people so I guess there's hope. I have just cut my losses & used most of the parts off of it for other projects.
Good luck. And before you use the grandfather story, you may want to make sure that the previous owner wasn't a woman!