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Ask A Pro \  Thanks Max spot on!!!

Thanks Max spot on!!!

Ask A Pro Q & A
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gorillagarage   +1y
Originally posted by nissandoordragger

Originally posted by HotRodDime

Originally posted by 1964badbug

Originally posted by bully

I 3rd that!Support MT Mag.If you can't afford $24.95 per year,which is only $2.00 per issue,you need a new hobby.

a magazine has nothing to do with a hobby

hmmmm I wonder where this "hobby" would be without the magazine

well, I guess we'll find out when no shows have any magazines to support them and no one builds nice trucks because there will be no magazines to feature them?

i know this has nothing to due with this topic but if people are only building trucks to get a feature in a mag then they are not in this hobby for the right reason

some of us dont build trucks to drag and destroy. i dont need a feature in a magazine but i do want a feature worthy truck.
OldSkoolCadillac   +1y
the original point of max's article is already starting to get lost in the bickering

tis a shame really
HarryBalls   +1y
what the hell does a magazine have to do with someone building a truck they think is cool? I dont have a sub. to any mag and could care less about ever getting a feature....and im sure my current ride wont be the last thing i build.

that was a rediculous thing to say that people build trucks solely because of a magazine.

anyhow, yeah destroying shit is gay. quit it assholes.
35hundo   +1y
Max, ya nailed it right on man. Ive been watching the scene in florida take a steady nose dive for the last couple years and it sucks!! Shows have always been something to look forward to- a way to chill out, show off your ride, have a good time, drink some beer, and chill with your boys!! Now it seem that mentality has dropped down to- Get really fuked up, break shit, "drag and destroy" (not connecting this to SD in anyway, their the shit!) But I do see a lot of Old school mini truckers selling their trucks, buying rods and never looking back. Which sucks cuz we've lost a lot of cool guys from our scene, but i cant say that I blame them, and I cant say that I havent thought about ditching the ranger for a rod. Kinda sucks to go to mini truck shows now cuz no one cares what you did to your truck, their too busy getting fuked up. On the other hand Ive got to say going back to the RA show this year has definately gave me a hope for this scene. For those that say buying mini truckin has nothing to do with the hobby, your dead wrong. We need to support everything that helps support our scene from magazines, to parts companies like suicidedoors, to shows and events. Cuz is you take away all the shows, take away the magazines and take away the places to get tailgate skins for yotas etc. THERE IS NO SCENE!!
Sorry but, Quality of rides does reflect quality of the show/people attending. People that dont give a fuk about their truck and want to drag and destoy the shit out of it have the same mentality towards the scene and the shows. SORRY so long, definately strong feelings on this issue!
HotRodDime   +1y


some people really do give "us all" a bad name

offthewall   +1y
jesus christ this thread turned into the perfect example of what max was talking about lol... some people are way too touchy these days... someone says ONE thing.. and all of the sudden its a cat fight because they cant let it go... apparently its lame to get in a magazine nowadays... who knew???
ANYWAYS..... i definitely couldnt agree more with max.. i know im not perfect but i know better not to take it back to junior high and destroy stuff for shits and giggles especially when a show is at risk of going away...
DeepSouthS10   +1y
Originally posted by BioMax

I remember one time the fighting got so out of hand that a riot team was brought in to break it all up.

i'm not sure if this is the show you are talkin about(if it isnt then that is sad because that means it happened more than once), but i remember at heatwave several years back that happened at the host hotel. police in riot gear carrying pepper spray, helicopter with a spotlight above, they even shut off power to the hotel. it was crazy. these retards were throwin furniture off the balconies and i beleive a coke machine even ended up in the pool. it was like a fuckin prison riot. it was ridiculous. we were comparable to convicts! now thats sad! i'm 23 so i never really got the chance to attend any of these river runs you minitruckin OG's talk about, if they were comparable to shows like tex mex then i can see why you are pissed off they are disappearing. i really hope your article opens some eyes out there max.
BioMax   +1y
Originally posted by DeepSouthS10

i'm not sure if this is the show you are talkin about(if it isnt then that is sad because that means it happened more than once

Nope! The time that I am talking about was at Spring Splash I believe. It would have been about 9 years ago or so and it happened in the park. It was probably the most dissapointing moment of my truck show experiences.
baggedmitsu   +1y
LOL HA HAA, I LOVE THE COMMENT ABOUT HOW THE VIDEOS ARE THE PROBLEM. Thats the absoloutely most absurd thing ive ever heard. these things were happening before the videos. thats like saying crime wasnt happening before surveilance cameras were around, maybe people didnt run from the cops until helicopters with cameras were invented also.

I remember in the mid 90's as a teenager actually being petrified at the runs at the river, it was complete chaos, people doing the dumbest craziest shit ever, drunk off their minds. AND GUESS WHAT? nobody was filming them, go figure.

I agree with Max 100% but what most people dont realize is that the majority of minitruckers are teenagers or in their early 20's. And guess what, at that age most "male" " guys" whatever, can act like assholes, especially with a few beers in their system. It doesnt matter if youre playing tennis, putting together puzzles or hanging out at a truck show. Go to a good guys show and guess what, everybody acts like perfect gentelmen, but then again most of them are old enough to remember riding dinosaurs, if they act up, they'll need a hip replacement. Now go to Viva Las Vegas, the Rockabilly Rod Reunion, or Paso Robles, guess what, those guys are our age, and you know what happens their. FIGHTS, STABBINGS, BURNOUTS crazy shit. If you cant deal with it stay home.

Im getting older now, i just broke 30, and i know ive done some stupid shit in my life. And i love minitrucks, the life, the hobby, all of it. I dont regret my past, it's what made me who i am today, i have so many memories, so many friends, and you know what, as long as theirs a guy tweaking in his garage on a mini, minitruckin will never die.

baggedmitsu   +1y
oh sorry to rant on your forum Max, ill buy some Nacho fries next week for lunch lol