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Ask A Pro \  Thanks Max spot on!!!

Thanks Max spot on!!!

Ask A Pro Q & A
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hue jass   +1y
Originally posted by gorillagarage

i really think videos such as lowlife and domintaion have made people see that and say i want to do stupid shit.

I agree but it's alot of the videos out there, not just those two. People see the videos and think that the "Jackass" type stuff is a part of mini truckin.

I'm not saying that the videos are bad, hell I'm wearing a domination shirt as I post this, just that outsiders don't know and that is what sticks out.

I also think that the club hazing, or whatever you Cali guys call it, leads to alot of bullshit. You encourage your members to get drunk and then spray them down with ketchup, flour, eggs, and whatever else? Ya, that makes mini truckin look good.

Also on the magazine not meaning anything to the hobby, I agree without mini truckin alot of people would still be building trucks, but the elemet of over the top trucks would fade. How many of you guys have seen a truck in a magazine and said, "man that bed floor is sick." or "That paint job is crazy." and tried to get something like that for your truck? I enjoy seeing the feature trucks out there. I know some people that have specifically built trucks to get covers of magazines and they are some of the baddest trucks in the scene. So I belive that magzines have a great impact on our scene and would be missed if they went away.
Ok so now this thread has turned to cali guys fault. So the Videos Dom and Lowlife (AZ/ cali vids) are the problem? So if the west coast fell off the map everyone would hold hands and sing? The west drove the golf carts mentioned into havocs lake?

Shows are failing all over. Lack of respect is a big problem towards retaining locations for shows. Yes the blaming one coast would fall under that. The two shows I helped with this year had many rides, no bs, no tudes, just a show where people hung out. Come out for the Bob Hase/ Sunset show in April at La Paz AZ if you want to see the evil west coast ruin the scene. Then you can judge first hand how bad we are.

Magazines are relevant. It helps show people what is being done and gives people something to aspire to. Some may think that is stupid but alot of people like the fact their work can be shown all over in print.

Drag and Destroy is the rat rod of our scene. Just an excuse to not finish your ride. But I've drug my truck on all the wheels but the 20's. Does it make my ride any less polished? No it doesnt. Does it ruin my respect for other people? No it doesn't.

Much like the real world. Try not finding things to blame. Try raising it up and showing what should be done. It's been mentioned so many times on threads here its past funny.

PS Max is your sig based off of the wonderful people from the Circle Bar the other night?

BioMax   +1y

No, that's been my signature for a few months now. It's fitting tho.

And your comment is right on in my opinion. It's not that the scene is necessarily getting worse, it's just that we are starting to feel the repercussions to our actions.
bdydrppup   +1y
i agree with max aswell. its really bad when i start not wanting to take my vehicles to shows for fear of some asswhipe messing it up on the showgrounds or some dipshit whos had too many drinks mess it up in the hotel parking lot. alot of hard work down the drain. ive been into minitruckin since 97 which isnt aslong as alot of ppl but ive noticed a big decline in the amount of shows, and good shows. i will go to any show within 12 hours or so to support it, but the are dissappearing. i went to a classic car show this weekend with 5000 cars and noones shit got broke or train horns, yelling and cussing, it was nice and peacful like some of our old shows. im looking forward to 09 show season and i will be at every show i can attend to support em and hope its a better year.
bdydrppup   +1y
and yes i know its old people at clissic car show for the most part but people who attend them have more respect for others including people there looking, promoters, show grounds, and the other people showing.
isdeleon   +1y
i've never had a chance to attend a car show, mainly because i've been busy with one thing or another. this weekend will be the first my wife and i attend, but i still have faith that it will be worth the wait. and maybe when my truck is done i can take it to every show without fear of something happening to it. biomax, i really really hope your wrong this time, because i don't want this to be my first and last car show...
Absolute awesome read max

i've personally watched one of the best show's on the east coast get moved farther and farther away from it's original location, some due too obvious growth but mostly because the promoter couldn't afford the insurance or rent because of the previous years problems. why can't minitruckers just chill and enjoy the scene? ya maybe drinking has always been part of the scene but trashing shit never was and should never be.
BioMax   +1y
I hate to say it Brandon, but trashing shit has always been a favorite past time of drunk (and sometimes sober) minitruckers. I'm not sure why, but it's been going on as long as I can remember. All I'm saying is that it can't continue like it is or we're going to find ourselves without a show circuit. The shows that are being thrown by the magazines are already in serious debate weather or not to allow unpainted trucks in. I guess it's because folks with painted trucks are a higher class of people and won't cause as many problems.
Slammed83Mazda   +1y
The videos we have out there didn't start this trend of destroying stuff at shows. But it sure as hell isn't helping it. It's sad when I see shit being thrown off balconys from a 2 story hotel, fights breaking out at shows between actual members who threw on the show. Yes shit like jackass greatly influenced this but I really can't stand when people just blame it on the "younger crowd" I say this because I fall into that category. Look at a previous article of minitruckin and you will see what I'm talking about.

The whole golf kart incident is wierd to look at from anyone who didn't attend the show. Yes a golf cart was drivin into the river, but what alot of people don't know is that it was returned in better condition(as in full detail cleaned off, tuned up and what not) than when they got it. There were alot of things destroyed at the camp grounds and at the bathrooms at that show, and more than 1 person confirmed it was local people who did majority of the damage.

I go to shows have fun and kick back a few beers with my boys. We have a blast goof off and shit but when shit starts getting outta hand I chime in and try to tame the situation. I wish more people would do this. I'm not claiming I am a godsend or a virgin mary. But this shit needs to stop before we don't have any shows left.

I said it before and will say it again, We need security at every show. Checking coolers for beer and hard liquor. Yes its sad it has came down to that point, but if it means that it will reduce the number of shows we lose I am all for it.
chris03hd   +1y
Edited: 11/10/2008 5:12:36 PM by chris03hd

Yet another reason "I" am not ready to bring my two little guys, age 1 and 3, with my wife to a show overnight somewhere.

As responsiable adults, there should be no reason to behave like this.

Id say, treat it like it was your own, but Ive seen the way some treat their trucks.. so im not surprised.