yea ok, who really wants to watch a bunch of sweaty padded over paid guys run around on a damn feild chasing a pig skin ball wile 10's of thousands of boozed up fans (1/2 of which don't even rember where they are) are yelling at the top of there lungs only to have there words blurred into one big roar of bad instructions on how to run the ball. oh and the fans at home... again boozed up, yelling at the damn tv. i can understand yelling at the game, maybe the person 3 rows down from you wearing nothing but 3 rolls of fat and his fav team colors painted on can hear you... but your not at the game, your yelling as your overside over priced big ass widescreen canger giving, birth defect creating super tv, which by the way in all it's splender is still not a damn FEED BACK EQUIPED DEVICE! so all they yelling is in vaine because your fav team didn't even make it to this achivement of male hormones called the superbowl..
thats just how i feel... lol don't mind me, my opinion counts for nothing.