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General Discussion \  Your pic for the Super Bowl

Your pic for the Super Bowl

General Discussion
views 8745
replies 47
following 12
1fastlx   +1y
I would just give it to you but then I cant watch porn on it
delock   +1y
I went with the Ref's
bdydrped   +1y
1fast likes seeing his porn vaginas bigger than lifesize....although the penis' he see then jus tmakes him feel that much more inadaquit(sp) becasue they are all 3ft long and 6" around.

but he blames his size on the cancer he got form the super bigscreen in the first place so it all evens out.
lockone   +1y
Haha that is some funny sh*t...
1fastlx   +1y
that just keeps things in perspective, who dosen't like huge tits?????????????????
outsiderz1   +1y
i do...i do!!!!!!!!!!!lol
lockone   +1y
I second that motion...LOL
dragnasty   +1y
did I hear tits?
onefasthoagie   +1y

not unless you had someone read the forum for you!

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boobies are illegal in my state!!
dragnasty   +1y
so you can get arrested for having boobies? LOL