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General Discussion \  show truck lost

show truck lost

General Discussion
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burntup   +1y
man if you read the post on ssm, there is a lot of drama. here is the link posted my the owner of pictures.

mark   +1y
I saw the posts some made before they were deleted by the mods or the posters themselves. Someone wrote a made up story poking fun of how the truck/blazerado got into the wreck. It included characters from Flava Flave to Chuck Norris, it was funny, but really wasn't the right moment.
someotherguy   +1y
Looks like the pic with the trailer wheel broken off at the hub tells some of the story. Could have happened *during* the wreck but I'd say since he posted a pic of it, it's probably what caused it.

No offense or slam intended towards the poor dude that lost his show truck and tow rig, but that trailer looked real ratty from what I could see. Shame to risk not only nice rides but also your safety on some wore-out trailer.. buy something nice and be sure it's maintained. Just about nobody maintains trailer hubs/bearings/tires.

lockone   +1y
I know Alan "Farva" personally and I just got off the phone with him. Everyone is OK. Clyde had borrowed the blazer and was taking it to a show in LA and whe was traveling down I-40 and the truck got out of control and he over corrected and flipped. When the F250 and trailer stopped the blazer kept going. According to Farva, there were 4-5 people in the F250 and none of them had any major injuries and Clyde had some busted up ribs but bothing major.

We can always build more trucks...Just glad no one was hurt.

I will post some pics in the next post
Post was last edited on Nov 11, 2006 08:11. This post has been edited 2 times.
low95xlt   +1y
wow yea i agree that if the wheel was the issue simple maintence could have prevented but who am i you know..
as far as i heard sema this yr was the last time farva owned it and the end of sema ment he transfer of the truck to the new owner, but could be wrong
wow lets keep it safe here fellas for 07
lockone   +1y

maz89   +1y
That sucks so bad! I'm just glad everyone's alright. Did Alan say anything about if his insurance is going to cover anything or no?
lockone   +1y
He told me it was insured
bowtiecowboy   +1y
I just read Clydes post on ssm and he said that the tow rig went off the edge of the road and when he tried to correct back onto the road, he lost control of both the truck and the trailer and they both rolled down into a ditch. He said that everyone is gonna be ok. The worst part was, the F250 Amarillo was his wifes daily driver.

PLEASE safe when you are towing a trailer. I see so many people towing unsafely. I made a cross country trip this summer and the following are some things i saw with my own eyes:

1) I saw a whole family ( 5 people) in a Toyota T100 entended cab towing a boat that was at least 30-32 feet long with no stabilizer or anything. I talked to them in New Mexico and they were towing the boat back to LaSalle Michigan. I wouldnt have towed it 10 miles with their setup.

2) I saw COUNTLESS half ton trucks pulling huge travel trailers that were at least 26 feet long. Alot of these were rented trailers. I cant believe the rental companies would let this go without saying something.

3) I saw a newer Ford Ranger Ext. cab towing a bumper pull 3-horse all steel trailer. This one made me sick to my stomach cause i work with horses all the time and this happens way too often. Your average Quarter horse weighs @ 1100 lbs. Do the math..if they are hauling three horses that would be at least 3,000 pounds plus the weight of the steel trailer.
Would you haul 5,000 pounds with a Ranger? I hope not.

I hate to preach, but please use common sense when you tow something. As a truck driver for the last 16 years, i have seen alot of crazy stuff happen and MOST of it could have been avoided by using your head.

I probably average seeing about 20 fatal accidents a year while on the road.
If only one person dies per accident, that means i've seen over 300 people who died because of bad decisions on the road. I dont wanna be one of them, and i dont want any of you to be either. Remember , that may be my kids out there.

Ok, now go ahead and whore it up!!!
tofnlows10   +1y

heard/talked to him about insurance at layd out at the they way he talked it seemed pretty hopefully the will cover some!!