Thanks Seth for the PM. The crossmember with the pivots is tacked in (just like all of the 4-link components) and will be coming out of the truck after I get the cylinder mounts done. I will be pulling it to completly weld the tabs, along with plating in the tabs. I will also be doing the same thing on the axle. The lower pivots hang down quite a bit and will need plating as well. Everything is just tacked in place to cycle the suspension, make sure everything clears, make sure it cycles properly, and get the cylinder mounts done. Like I said, once all that is done, all of it will be coming out to get welded. The crossmember will get repositioned and fully welded to the frame after the pivots are done. As well as the crossmember will be getting at least one diag. tube from the pivots to the frame to stiffen up the crossmember.