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Mini Truckin General \  Mini Truckers that love Red Diamond Tea and Body Drops.

Mini Truckers that love Red Diamond Tea and Body Drops.

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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cheese   +1y
puddin06   +1y

Maybe we need to contact Red Diamond Tea.........I feel a Sponsorship coming on haha
2ndTry   +1y

I googled Red Diamond and this came up. One woman's crusade against Red Diamond Tea lol
Waldog25   +1y

I'll probably get flamed for this... but what in the hell is going on around here?!?!?!?! All this talk about RED DIAMOND TEA and BOLT ON BODY DROPS?!?! For crying out loud!!! What has happened people?!  I mean dammit man, I love me some iced tea, but actually coming on here and getting excited about iced tea??? Man, if that is the case you really need to pour a glass of tea (made by grandma and set in the sun like real southern tea is supposed to be), and get your ass outside and work on your damn ride!!! Stop this nonsense about bolt on body drops too!!! WTH!!! I can't believe that everyone is OK with this stuff?! What the hell is in that damn tea anyways?!?!?!  Whatever it is, it sure as hell seems like it's causing some people to lose their damn minds!!! Ok, back to your regularly scheduled kool-aid, errrrr, tea.   
puddin06   +1y

im waiting on a box of parts!
98dakota20   +1y

SEITH AND POOTUS-  there is a reason it is not in ca, its crap. im from merced but live  in mo now, and i would trade this shit for an in-n-out burger and a coke any day...
98lows10   +1y
They don't carry it where I am at,  but Arnold Palmer is where it's at for sure. 
bodydropped85   +1y

lemon in tea is a yankee thing. sweet tea has no lemon, only an asston of sugar. reddiamond is actually cheaper then lipton(tea bags).coke blows unless you drink some in atlanta from the varsity or the world of coke.
dumptkota   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by bagged85lemon in tea is a yankee thing. sweet tea has no lemon, only an asston of sugar. reddiamond is actually cheaper then lipton(tea bags).coke blows unless you drink some in atlanta from the varsity or the world of coke. ---------------------------------------------I WAS IN PA AND GOT "SWEET TEA" WITH A LEMON AND A LIME IN IT. I LIKE IT WHEN YOU ORDER SWEET TEA AND THEY SAY WE HAVE RASPBERRY TEA, WTF IS RASPBERRY TEA?   SWEET TEA IS, ONE GALLON OF TEA WITH 2 CUPS OF SUGAR!!!!!
ShakinPlates   +1y

All I see is Lipton and Arizona Tea in Ca. I dont really drink tea unless im out to eat so I dont know if I would go on this wild goose hunt... However I would be glad to sport one of their stickers on my truck just to show love...