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Mini Truckin General \  Mini Truckers that love Red Diamond Tea and Body Drops.

Mini Truckers that love Red Diamond Tea and Body Drops.

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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SoloSpecialties   +1y

i dont drink it anymore..i was tired of getting a bad batch with white shit in it haha...i'll take some homeade any day though. 2 1/2 cups of sugar FTW!!! hahah
tuckinnoma   +1y
2 1/4 cups OF SUGGA boil 1/2 gal put the tea bags in,ADD SUGGA.... let it sit for 10-15 miins... stir add cold water and BAMM!!!!! LIQUID CRACK!!!!! MAMAMA MA MA MAMMAAAKE CRACK LIKE DISS!!!! TOO SHORT BIZNICH!!!! ILL man up and admit ive been drinking green tea lately. lipton 20oz trying to kick the soda's. pepsi on tap is my other crack.
Heavy_Chevy   +1y
sonnys bbq is the cronic.....i wish they would send one my way
twisteddragger   +1y

Red diamond is the sheezy. Body drops are pretty much the norm.
tacomaon24s   +1y

damn sounds like georgia has got it going on i used to live in alabama where i beleive red diamond is made i had it there and was hooked people who never had it really need it now i live in arizona and your right when you say sweet tea you get some damn peach or raspberry bullshitgross we need to get red diampnd everywhere make that company blow up huge
hitncry   +1y
Edited: 5/23/2009 3:42:55 PM by hitncry

We don't have that stuff out here, but Arizona Iced is where it's at out here! Plus they have a huge selection and are 99cents for a tall boy most places.

post photo
Cosa Nostra   +1y
Edited: 5/23/2009 8:25:23 PM by Cosa Nostra

even when i went to greenville i looked for this shit!!!!on my way to tex mex this year i was giddy like a school boy cause i thaught i was gonna be able to finally drink some...never made it...and my yearning continues....
greenranger 23   +1y

i bet even chuck norris drinks red diamond iced tea
2tonesdime5   +1y
I drank Red Diamond until a few years ago and lived by it..  The problem was, I opened up a bottle and took a drink, I then noticed stuff under the rim..   Checked it out and there was mold floating in the drink..  I poured it out into a bowl and it had all kinds of mold in the drink.  The expiration date wasnt old and it wasnt previously opened at the store..   I spent 30 mins washing my mouth out and will never drink it again
a969c1   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by bagged85lemon in tea is a yankee thing. sweet tea has no lemon, only an asston of sugar. reddiamond is actually cheaper then lipton(tea bags).coke blows unless you drink some in atlanta from the varsity or the world of coke. ---------------------------------------------Mexican stores have the best Coke in the world in the little ass glass bottles. But I have to agree, World of Coke ruined it for me too. First time I drank a regular coke after that I was pissed.