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Mini Truckin General \  Mini Truckers that love Red Diamond Tea and Body Drops.

Mini Truckers that love Red Diamond Tea and Body Drops.

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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scr8pnyota   +1y

sweet tee is bad ass but what about some koolaid or ecto cooler
sadexcuse4s10   +1y

fuck tea cheerwine is where it's at.  my little bro could snort that stuff and go on a bender for 3 days
laidoutcourier   +1y
love that tea it suxs the gas stations here sold out to some other comp.and quit saling it and the tea they have now sux ass  on the coke thing the guy i work with is mexican and he brought me a mexican coke it is way different but ok  i hate u s coke its nasty
sundown   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by sadexcuse4s10fuck tea cheerwine is where it's at.  my little bro could snort that stuff and go on a bender for 3 days---------------------------------------------LOL, Cheerwine. I was in a gass station outside of Charlotte and they had a huge cheerwine display, I asaked the clerk what was up with that stuff and got the company history breakdown. I bought some and brought it home. It ok but not something I'd go out of my way to get. Seems like a cross between dr pep and coke. I enjoy red diamond from time to time but there is better. 
livinlow98   +1y
OK listen up guys, Red Diamond is the best tea made but it gets expensive after awhile so i make my own and i think it taste exactly the same. Ill share my recipe lol. First thing you need to buy is Lipton Iced Tea Brew Bags make sure they are the family size they come in a box of 48 for like 4.00, then buy a bag of sugar. Take 2 cups of water and place 4 of the tea bags in it, microwave for 5 minutes, when done remove the bags and what i did was kept a red diamond gallon jug and re use it place the tea in the jug and fill up the rest of the way with water, then add just a little over a cup of sugar, shake it up (put the lid on first lol), then place in the fridge to get cold. You can make 12 gallons for about the same price as buyin 1 or 2 gallons at the store. Let me know how it goes if you try it.
lobdyblazr   +1y

In Bama we LIVE by sweet tea...yeah Red Diamond in the gallon gets expensive. I have been making my own tea my WHOLE life..I have this brewer thing I used, just put some bags in the little filer area, fill it with water, put the jug under it and wait...then sugar it up and refridgerate. BUT, the dude that rents the house where my old shop is.....Dave...dude makes the best sweet tea ever. He really screwed up when he let us find out he had it.OHHH..I really I am diabetic now...which sucks. I have to watch my homeboys drink tea..pisses me off. 
bodydropped85   +1y
theres always splenda
lobdyblazr   +1y

SPLENDA!!! there is no substitute for least not in sweet tea.
bigcuzdave   +1y

Here's how we roll in MISSISSIPPI. 
post photo
1los10   +1y

ok guys i'm about to drop a bomb on yall. actually it might not be that big a deal to yall or somebody else might have brought it up but it rocked my world when i found it since i live in alabama. its called FIREFLY sweet tea vodka! the shit is great you can either mix it with a lil cold water and ice or just ice alone or a lil red dimond(i used milos but its all the same) and the stuff is great its 70 proof so it wont kill ya and it tastes great. and for 19 bucks a fith its pretty cheap. but for god sake its sweet  tea liquar