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Mini Truckin General \  Mini Truckers that love Red Diamond Tea and Body Drops.

Mini Truckers that love Red Diamond Tea and Body Drops.

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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bodydropped85   +1y

hmmm got anypics?
slammedcivicsi   +1y
Im gonna rock some Red Diamond when I go to the States this weekend....gotta see what this buzz is all aboot.
bodydropped85   +1y

you will jizz in your pants.
lobdyblazr   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by 1los10ok guys i'm about to drop a bomb on yall. actually it might not be that big a deal to yall or somebody else might have brought it up but it rocked my world when i found it since i live in alabama. its called FIREFLY sweet tea vodka! the shit is great you can either mix it with a lil cold water and ice or just ice alone or a lil red dimond(i used milos but its all the same) and the stuff is great its 70 proof so it wont kill ya and it tastes great. and for 19 bucks a fith its pretty cheap. but for god sake its sweet  tea liquar

---------------------------------------------I just might be making a liquer store run on this tuesday night...are you serious...SWEET TEA LIQUER!!!!  I really dont need to find this stuff.
KiK   +1y
I ran out and bought some shortly after this thread started, and I hate to be the odd man out, wife's tea is just as good and neither is anywhere close to as good as beer (as was stated earlier).  Sorry...I still appreciate yalls enthusiasm, if that's any -Trae
toadfrog17   +1y
All this hype about Red Diamond Sweet Tea. I don't get it. Sorry guys, but I found some last year as I had heard about it on here and it's pretty bad tasting. Maybe I'm just used to making it with tea bags and sugar. I can't really stand processed tea anyways so maybe that's why I don't like it. To each their own. Glad you guys like it so much.
1los10   +1y go buy it there if you cant find it at your friendly neighborhood liquar store