Edited: 9/7/2009 10:06:15 PM by tre5
sure. I have been working on other things mostly. I picked up another project for a buddy of mine over in Iraq. I spent 2 days messing with getting that and some parts. I am also helping out Andy with the Toyrover, trying to get that thing done by west coast nats. Updates on this truck though... I have the rear suspension all welded and reinstalled. The bridge is 100% welded up and the gas tank is back in place. So basically it looks the same as the last pics, but with more welding and a gas tank in place. I have also been drawing up the rear cantilever for the cylinders. Here are some jpegs from CAD. I don't have anything fancy like solidworks, but I can get it done in 2D. It is getting 13.25" out of an 8" cylinder.