you do realize that for a car or minitruck your new vehicle of choice has to get at least 10 mpg or better than your trade in, in order to receive the full 4500 rebate. The new vehicle has to get at least 4 mpg better than the trade in or it isn't eligible, if it gets better than 4 and less than 10 you only get 3,500. I'm not 100% for this program by any means but that is largely because I think it's funny how far we haven't come in the past 25 years. I didn't realize they were actually disabling the motors but it makes sense with the reasoning behind the bill to begin with, lowering emissions and consumption. It sucks that they left the choice of where to take it to up to the dealer as they could choose to just send it to a scrapper but I imagine most give it to a junkyard, which will inevitably scrap it anyways. It might not be ideal for us who like "restoring" older vehicles but we are truly the minority. Those who really restore vehicles don't choose anything less than 25 years