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Body work and Paint \  "Lost Cause"-So I'm trying to learn a new style of pinstriping???

"Lost Cause"-So I'm trying to learn a new style of pinstriping???

Body work and Paint Q & A
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replies 33
following 24
lost cause   +1y
Ok, So I've always admired fancy scroll work. To me it just looks cleans, classy, elegant, and almost gangster all at the same time lol I've
always wanted to learn how to do it but I never thought I would be able
to completely change my style and learn something totaly different and
way out side my element haha!
ways long story short I was trying to figure out how to pinstripe the
impala. and I just couldn't picture traditional "dagger style" striping
so I started practicing what I thought might look god on the impala??....on my truck haha!
let me know what you think????I did all this with my trusty "Mack 00"
the only one I've ever had or used....the green wrap even lol
This was my very first attempt (and I know it sucks donkey dick but i get better haha!)
was my second attempt.....I figured if anything I needed to practice my
swrilly curves or circles or what ever the hell they are lol
so I did this on the hood.......... after staring at that for a very long time I figured out what I liked, and didn't like about it. Then i moved on the the door At this point I started getting the hang of what I had pictured in my head...........
And once I striped this on my tailgate. I figured hell I might as well stripe the impala right now while I'm warmed up haha!
Please let me know what you think? advice? anything?..... Anybody
have any advice or in put on whats the best scroll brush for this style
of striping??? it's a bitch trying to make circles with a mack 00
Thanks for your input in advance

"Lost Cause"

2lowtoy   +1y

I think u have too much time on your hands and need to repaint my truck with all that extra time.
lost cause   +1y
hahaha! Extra time my ass lol I'm trying to expand my horizons  what do you think thought
low99maz   +1y
Edited: 8/22/2009 12:31:27 AM by low99maz

no1lowr   +1y
paint ur truck with all that extra time

22below   +1y

I think the 1st attempt is the best, when the circles are naked it looks like a 2 year old was practicing circles. That style reminds me of feathers and flowers which are a little fem to be on any truck.
aa taco chris   +1y

I admire all of your work... time involved and the effort put in very much because I do paint/body myself. But not being a hater this stuff just isn't my style
aa taco chris   +1y

It kind've reminds me of the fnf stripes down the sides of the car from the first movie... or the cheap japanese designs ppl put on ricers for a while. Although on the entire impala I don't put it past you for pulling it off...
baggeddime   +1y

 i think you could pull it off all your work ive seen on here is super cool with its own style ........ but on the other hand i hate it !!looks like henna tatto ...not hating !!!
choppedn22d   +1y

I like it, would look sick in Gold leaf on my bucket? Especially the first.