on the mack brush site, pick one of the top two... it's like anything else though, it's all personal preference... i know u said in the original post that you like your trusty 00 Mack, i'm sure that came from realizing you hated your other brushes you had on hand, or at least didn't like em 'as much' due to the 00's versatility to me a great all around brush... well your gonna have to do the same process when your diving into new grounds that your unsure about. if i were you, i'd buy a few different styles and give em all a try. i'm sure you'll find one thats your favorite 'scroll' brush. and on the same note i'm sure you can find something you like about the others so they don't go to waste, maybe you'll use one to do lettering, sign your name, or make designs with... Just keep practicing bro, shit looks great...