+1y memory of my father and one of his first rigs he drove. -International Transtar II cabover mounted on a newer frame. Full air ride, Big Cat or rebuild a Big Cam 400 Cummins with at least a 13spd. Stretch the frame slightly. Straight stacks and dual chrome aircleaner stacks to run alongside the stacks. Then basically clean it up, shave handles and maybe run newer styled KW mirrors (I dont know, thats iffy), shave the grab handles and make some incab grab handles. I'd shave the sleeper air vents and possibly the storage box doors. I'd update all the lights to LED's and deck it out. I'd also modernize all the gauges and do something with the dash. My biggest feat would be to get the damn doghouse to sit a little lower. Might have to lower the engine if possible. Oh, and that damn passenger seat. It has a heater box under it and hurt my ass when I was a kid. So I'd figure a way to get some new comfy seats for sure. It would be built to show but also would be capable of being a working truck. Last but not least, I'd mimic his old fire engine red paintjob but with quality paint. I'd break out some old school striping (don't know what it's called but old school truckdrivers know the accent stripes I'm talking about) and throw E. R. Baxter & Sons Trucking on it. (His had A. E. Wilcox and Sons Trucking on it) Not slammed or anything. Just a good looking Transtar that rides and runs like the big boys!