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Mini Truckin General \  MiniTrucker haters!!!! This has me extremely pissed!

MiniTrucker haters!!!! This has me extremely pissed!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 98
following 63
slownoma63   +1y
haha wow. i live in a town where there are tons of so called rednecks in big lifted trucks..half of them are junk..but they stay outta our way if we stay outta there's we dont like there shit ( i like nice lifted trucks) and most of them dont like ours..just go your own way and remember why your a minitrucker mother FVCKER! lol and just bc those rednecks have no tallent in building vehicles doesnt make it right for them to talk shit to us, but then there is no right for you to talk shit back..there just being ignorant rednecks they are..just turn the other cheek and laugh as your draggin body away from them..knowing most of them are just jealous they dont have the skill or the money to build there trucks
doored_rodeo   +1y
i mite as well ride around pumped up all the damn time....and i bet im not the only person on this site that drives a mini and burns down..everybody has to get their mind right sum sort of way and beer is not it for me lol unless at a show and sikness video is around... i think im in Guilty by association but not to sure
clenzer72   +1y
I didn't read the whole thread...but next time offer the haters to hope in then go hit the freeway and lay it out doing 90! There hearts will jump outa their chest and anldrenilia. Will get pumping....if you can, three wheel back into the lot, lay it out, and as they step out in awe and shock tell them to give you a call when theyre ready to stop moving furnature in there lifted trucks and start growing sparks and picking up ladies!!!!

I agree with the other. Don't repomde negativly, or spit, ask them what and why they did the things to there trucks (haul shit??) then telll. Them why u built yours and point out all the one off work that they won't understand....?eventually. Mention a kelderman kit for they lifted rides and they might. G et interested! All it takes is a smooth ride In bagged tricks and throw some sparks and alo people change their view (but only works if it's not q roach
rechannel your anger man....make then get angry cause they have a stock truck with lift suspension.....i have more $ and time into my chassis and body then You do inyour whole truck!!! Plus, I never have to help people haul hay or move, or carry shit!

post photo
aon-teach   +1y

Oh wow! Grammar, spelling, the whole 9 yards. ^^^^ Don't do what this guy said. Instead, sell your truck and enroll in your local community college. Or possibly get your G.E.D. (just assuming) and then GROW UP. I don't spit on rides, I don't drag on people, and I'm not looking for a fight. Drive your truck because you like it. If they don't, smile and walk away. No one will think less of you. And hey, maybe make your mom dinner every once in a while.
doored_rodeo   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by AON-TeachOh wow! Grammar, spelling, the whole 9 yards. ^^^^ Don't do what this guy said. Instead, sell your truck and enroll in your local community college. Or possibly get your G.E.D. (just assuming) and then GROW UP. I don't spit on rides, I don't drag on people, and I'm not looking for a fight. Drive your truck because you like it. If they don't, smile and walk away. No one will think less of you. And hey, maybe make your mom dinner every once in a while. --------------------------------------------- as said b4 ill type how i want this isnt school im not getn graded so y should i care.. if u can read it thats all that matters...and y in the hell would a trucker tell anutha trucker to sell his own truck and go get a g.e.d when already graduated and werkin full time restoring muscle cars lol thats not tryin to build the scene that makin it smaller idiot....i swear ssm should make a west coast site for west coast truckers only cuz all you all seem to do is down on other truckers????????? wtf
nc dragger   +1y
Looks like your heading  to this 
fatboysS1O   +1y

whine...whine...whine...whine...whine...whine...whine...whine....fuckin whine! shut up and go away! the moment you spit on his truck is the moment you ruined everything. if you woulda just been calm, cool, and collected, and said something mature to defend your truck and drove off you would have won. there are idiots in the world. so what they didnt like your truck. get over it. from the way you act on here im pretty sure youve prolly actually seen those rednecks before and you pissed them off and they have plenty of reasons to put you down. oh and honestly......if youda spit on my truck ida whiped my windshield clean with you face then threw you truck keys down the sewer. you dont mess with somebodys vehicle. bodied, lifted, stock, whatever! thats just a line you dont cross. now go do something nice you little punk.....go help a old lady cross the street or something!
lugnutz   +1y

^^^^^^ what he said^^^^^^
idrgbdy   +1y

the guys with the lifted trucks were probably pissed as fuck when they seen you spit on their truck. but when they looked closer they were prob like "haha, i thought that was a kid spitting on my truck. turns out, it was a little dick tryin to pre-cum on it. haha loser."