---------------------------------------------Originally posted by doored_rodeo---------------------------------------------Originally posted by AON-TeachOh wow! Grammar, spelling, the whole 9 yards. ^^^^ Don't do what this guy said. Instead, sell your truck and enroll in your local community college. Or possibly get your G.E.D. (just assuming) and then GROW UP. I don't spit on rides, I don't drag on people, and I'm not looking for a fight. Drive your truck because you like it. If they don't, smile and walk away. No one will think less of you. And hey, maybe make your mom dinner every once in a while. ---------------------------------------------as said b4 ill type how i want this isnt school im not getn graded so y should i care.. if u can read it thats all that matters...and y in the hell would a trucker tell anutha trucker to sell his own truck and go get a g.e.d when already graduated and werkin full time restoring muscle cars lol thats not tryin to build the scene that makin it smaller idiot....i swear ssm should make a west coast site for west coast truckers only cuz all you all seem to do is down on other truckers????????? wtf ---------------------------------------------Guess what big guy, the next four posts after your post where fron people on the east coast who all though you handled the situation poorly. I dont think its just the west coast people who are "down on you". You are a prime example of a young punk kid who has no respect for anyone or there property. Although it is easier for you to type in abrievations and slang, it makes you look dumb. Im not trying to get "down on you" Im just trying to help you out brotha. Good luck