///RA PooP
I believe what severedbody was trying to convey is that people who have extremely nice vehicles that were built properly and with meticulous thought and engineering, tend to be "copied". And of course everyone takes ideas from other people in all different facets of life, theres not much that "hasn't already been done". For example, many people copy the ideas and concepts of guys like Chip Foose, generally because he "knows whats cool" so he is held at a bit of a higher standard when it comes to designing and building vehicles. Traits like that are what makes you the best, and in-turn people want to be like you, or have their vehicles look like yours. There is no doubt that there are certain Truck clubs out there that are known for their high quality vehicles. This is by no means saying that those clubs are better than anyone elses, but it usually ensures that a club like that will be held to a higher standard (quality wise). Along with that comes a thing called a reputation. A good reputation can take years and lifetimes to build. A bad reputation on the other hand can be created in seconds. That being said, it's the reputation of a Brand (chevrolet, Coca-cola, Negative Camber) that tends to be highly protected, mainly because of the work that was put forth to create a "good name". And now it' time for me to mow my lawn... good day. ///