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South West \  Wanting to see about starting a central arizona minitruck council

Wanting to see about starting a central arizona minitruck council

South West Regional
views 3776
replies 32
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hitncry   +1y

dailydraggn said:

i dont see the point? can you explain why its needed?


I kind of have the same question. I'm always in support of people getting together to have a good time and build local camaraderie, but I'm not really sure what a council is supposed to do (I've never seen one). If it's so that everyone knows about whats going on in town, then I say the answer is Facebook.

bigbsisuzu   +1y
love how the people that are on board with this you never see at anything!! just saying
Marcos_65   +1y
I agree, Facebook is a great tool to let everyone know whats going on in the community and it works great!! I always know whats going down but working 2 jobs makes it hard to make it out everywhere.
drgn azz   +1y
Edited: 5/5/2011 6:01:30 PM by drgn azz


ahab   +1y
I think Arizona has one of the strongest "scenes" of all. There is always somone out here to lend a hand. I do believe there are some people out here that have the my way or the high way mentality but they dont really hang out so no worries.
jetts   +1y
Edited: 5/6/2011 1:32:14 AM by puponair

jetts   +1y

gotyacoverfedaz said:

:SUNSET: Az would like to get involved. arizona definitely needs to get something going. if we had 10% of the shows and get togethers the cali scene has we would have a great scene out here.


AON-4PumpedCL   +1y

Could someone who has been a part of SCMTCC help fill me in on the positive benefits of a council?

I went to a few meetings when AZ had one and it was like a lynching. I'd take Will's idea and run with it. Start an online based facebook/website that helps keep the minitruck community up to date on events coming up. Maybe feature a ride a month...something along those lines.

i8nt2lo   +1y
I've been to SCMTC meetings before and I personally found it to be a waste of time. Bob hit the nail on the head about the stock whips and such. The "council run" for "council members only" was a joke. Clubs that were not in the council were still there, and besides...why would you want to keep people from a show because they are not in a council?? Makes no sense.

As far as information being passed, the website is less frequented as this site. When I used to check it out it would never update. Go to one cruise night and you'll get all the information about every other cruise night around. Plus, this is 2011. I would say something like a local Facebook page would work better as most everyone is tapped into that already. Plus it's free and easy to maintain. Just my thoughts.