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South West \  Wanting to see about starting a central arizona minitruck council

Wanting to see about starting a central arizona minitruck council

South West Regional
views 3775
replies 32
following 27
DeepSouthS10   +1y
we have a site called in louisiana and seems to accomplish what yall are talking about. rides of the month, upcoming shows, coverage, organizing meets/cruises etc. i think they are supposed to be doing shop tours of local shops soon too. its been around for years and runs with almost no drama at all.
SSM-BobHase   +1y
The thing that has killed the council from the old days when I ran it is the information hi-way. Sites like Facebook and Street Source you find out information quicker than going to a meeting that's for sure. The thing I liked about Council was we would have 100s of trucks and clubs show up to the meeting it was like a monthly car show. I always enjoyed that part of it but it did loose something the past few years. I have always agreed to have the council run and council show opened because honestly how do you get new people into the scene if you tell them we are having this event and it's only for council members it's like saying your not part of the good old boys club.

I was a very opinionated President some liked it some hated it but I got the job done and I had no atelier motive to being the President. Some Presidents had shops they were trying to promote or business they were trying to get people to and that is what killed it. There was another problem officers taking liberties with council funds for their personal gains that hurt the SCMTC.

It always sounds like a good Idea when your buddies nominate you for an office but it's a lot of work 12 meetings, 12 officers meetings, 4 days running the show. Then if you do a 1 day show or attend other meetings you are looking at 35 days of your life a year to be an officer. Most people will not finish their term they will quit before it's over. So it does sound like a good idea but time will kill you. I always believe if you start something don't be a quitter but that does not happen I think I have been the SCMTC President 7 times I can't think of one year that at least one of my officers did not quit. To be honest some of these people that quit made us a better council. These are just my opinions about starting a council because I have been threw it and I'm not trying to discourage you just letting you know what to expect.
retro dime   +1y

SSM-BobHase said:

Okay I was not going to say anything but. A Council can work if you make it an information outlet not a police agency and make sure the people that are running it are Mini Truckers. Not people with stock car that just because they have been around the scene for years and never owned or built a custom of any kind thinks they have the right of passage to call themselves Mini Truckers. I know that does not make since but if you have been in the SCMTC for the past few years you would understand.



I used to be with a club that was in the SCMTC and I never really got the point of it. I think the only negative of not having a "council" is one less chance to hang out with people in the scene each month lol
jetts   +1y
there is little car shows every friday and saturday night that people go to in town. art of noize has 2 shows a year, Severed ties has a show, Perfect Poise has a show. Another dimension puts on bbqs like every 3 months it seems like, Perfect poise has a bbq to collect toys for the less fortune around xmas. all the info about all this stuff is usally on Street source and facebook all the time. so im not sure what more they would want.
mike86mazda   +1y
The way I see it is these guys wanna find a way to get everyone together as a whole. We have alot of cool things going on in az but it seems to me that only certain clubs hang out with certain clubs. I dont see this ever working in AZ since every show or hang out you go to there is people talking crap and talking down on other peoples dedication or ride or hell even just talking down on people in general. Id like to see this change and I dont think the community in AZ is quite as good as some of you guys are saying, something like this may or may not help I dunno. Either way something good in az to bring people together more than a couple shows or meets a year could possibly do some good. Also some of the people out here could take a few steps back and stop looking down on other people, That could help the AZ community out a lot.
ahab   +1y
This thread is dumb. It should have been called "what dont you like about the AZ scene"
mike86mazda   +1y

ahab said:

This thread is dumb. It should have been called "what dont you like about the AZ scene"


sounds about like the AZ "scene"....
ahab   +1y

mike91yota said:


ahab said:

This thread is dumb. It should have been called "what dont you like about the AZ scene"


sounds about like the AZ "scene"....

-------------------------------------------- Sorry it doesnt work for you. but maybe its you thats wrong and not everyone else.......
onelowmini   +1y
I was SCMTC President for a few years...and I have seen it go up and down here in so cal. Council was originally a source for information and a reason to get together once a month. Arizona seems to have a pretty awesome scene when it comes to mini truck clubs...the reason people are in one club and not another is get along with those people and sometimes not others but when it comes down to it we are all here for a common purpose. A council will not bring people together and force them to get along...just go to shows and have a good time....
aon-teach   +1y
I'll throw in my opinion here. Take it for what you want.
About 5 years ago I came on this site and said how the AZ scene sucked and no one wanted to hang out. I also talked about how people were very hard to talk with and they seemed very narrow minded when it came to "outsiders". I believe it was Bret who set me straight and said if I wanted to hang out this is where he would be and that anyone was welcome. I still thought he was a dick though. But I tried it. I started small, going to cruise nights, attending local shows without a club. I made casual conversations and began to put names to faces. Eventually I realized that Bret, as well as all these other guys I thought were dicks were normal people. Over the years I became friends with a lot of new people , I joined AON, and eventually became the dummy in charge. There were tons of people out there I thought I "didn't like" or I was pretty sure they hated me. It wasn't until I was bold enough to walk up and talk with them, that I realized they weren't half bad.

Today I realize the AZ scene is awesome. I have made friends in nearly every club in this state. Guys from NR, NC, Severed, Perfect Poise, AD, KZ, and on and on. I even made friends with tons of people in clubs from other states (///RAON) Are there still people out there I'd like to get to know better? SURE!

AZ doesn't need a council, people need to come out to the things we as a massive group already do. We don't need a friend making organization. What's wrong with the old fashion way. I hate to say it, but most of the people on here who are complaining don't come out and if they do, they segregate themselves away from the masses. Don't think that standing off to the side talking shit about people talking shit about you is any different.

As mentioned above, we have a list of events you could attend, providing an excellent opportunity to meet people.

Here are 3 open invitations coming up for anyone who wants to hang out. A huge group of AZ people will be on Freemont for the Last Call Show in Vegas. Come hang out and have a drink. Introduce yourself to me. If you can't make it there, The Cruise to the Pines is a sweet show and hang out. Cruise up the mountains and chill at the show with people. Hang out at the bar or even just chill outside the hotel and shoot the shit. You'd be amazed at how friendly we all can be when we're not having to defend ourselves for "looking down on others". If you can't make either of those two, July 2nd at Victory Lanes, come out and watch the fireworks and show off your vehicle. AON is throwing the show, so after we get everyone rolled in, we're going to relax with everyone and have a great time. I hope to see everyone from AZ there. Even if you're there as a spectator without your ride, it'd still be great to see you.

Get on facebook and friend request the clubs here in AZ. Nearly every one of them has a page. Hit up Surface DVD as they are always spreading the word to hang out. You'll find that there is a plethora of events out there.

Sorry about the novel.
