There are a lot of things I have been blessed with which are great friends and a family that understands what this scene means to me. Sure we have had our ups and downs but I would not change a thing. I talked to Chris at Unusual Fabrication about my tank Idea I want to do something a little different than the norm. This tank will not hold a lot but it will be different. I think the thing that bugs me is guys build these trucks and it seems that the last thing they think about is how the gas tank flows with the truck. I'm sure you have seen project that are insane that they have spent 1000s on and buy a $119.00 fuel cell and strap it to the rails. I always think so much work has went into it and it is not finished. I think what Max has created here is something that is still ahead of it's time and I'm not in a rush to meet a deadline. But I have always said this truck needs to be finished because it would be a shame for it you go to the field of dreams. Also the sponsors that believe in me to finish it. I want to thank them for all they have put into this project.