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cars in minitruckin

Minitruckin' Magazine
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nissandoordragger   +1y
i do not want to see or read about cars in a fuckin mini trucking mag make a new mag or put it in a diffrent one
bagged300mondubs   +1y
a couple of "minitrucker" buddies of mine and I have fullsize cars laid out and wanted to try to get a magazine going but for like "big body" cars, i thought it would be a great idea, caddies, lincolns, buicks, chevys, etc.....
neurotic   +1y
at just cause you dont have a MT any more your not a MT'er. Gawd some times people are so stuck on one damn thing. I guess some of you people must be to damn young to remember soem sickass cars in MT.
Edited: 9/19/2008 4:00:26 PM by DRGDDLY

Mini trucking is more of a lifestyle than anything imo...

To count only a small section of the vehicles in our community isn't exactly fair, but again you knew what is covered by the magazines when you decided to build what it is you built...

I know my full size will never make mini trucking and that I have to fight with the lifted, and 1000hp trucks for a spot in Sports Trucks I have come to terms with that....

Would I love to see the foremost magazine in the world for our lifestyle branch out and cover full sizes, suvs, and cars, hell yeah I would, are they, the future will tell...

Even if they decided to do another publication with the other vehicles that make up the shows the suvs, full sizes, cars and produce it under a different name, hell they could have a different staff I know putting together a magazine isn't an easy feat...

But I know what the op is saying it would be nice to get shown some love for our work somewhere besides on the forums...
IGotIssues   +1y
So how can you justify a Van issue, but not consider a car issue?

LndRanger86   +1y
I think that some of the previously stated post are good ideas. If minitruckin put out a once or twice a year issue that has cars in it, that would be cool.Any car would do as long as it's layed.that issue could be called "MINITRUNKIN", as a buddy of mine puts it.Everybody complains about the scene dying but this is a prime example of why.Whether it be IN minitruckin OR another of the vast magazines out there, at least test the waters with the idea.People now are way more computer oriented than when the magazine tried this idea last. You can show your like or dislike alot more now, than before and contact the staff much easier. That's just IMO
///RELAXED 720   +1y
I for one agree CARS SHOULD BE LET IN MT..I don't hear anyone bitchin "what the hell is a van/suv doin in MT"....a van ISN'T a truck What about a SUV a 4runner ISN'T a truck I'll use the same question that was asked above..... how can a "minitrucker" look @ a taco & a 4runner & then pick the 4runner...the mag isn't call MINIVANIN or MINISUVIN ..Times change there are cars out that are badder than most of the cover trucks nowadays(ie that hatch up there ^^^^^ & Adams honda from NC) I would love to pick up an issue & see a 2 ride cover say Adams honda & lets say the mistu from Driveway Werks.. I also agree w. the statement that it would increase readers & prolly increase sales... So would you rather pick up MT & see a car or 2 a month or get on SSM & read a thread from Mike sayin that MT is no longer gonna be printed? So in closing GET OVER IT & LET THE CARS IN........

Stck2UrGuns   +1y
Yeah, because Mini Truckin' is all of a sudden gonna loose out on money and advertising because their not printing cars LOL.
HotRodDime   +1y
It's always a possibility for us to "fight" for a special seperate issue if there is a high enough demand for it...

you guys can obviously see the problem here, as it's been posted a hundred times before, and it's ALWAYS split about 50/50 right down the middle... some want cars in the mag some don't... when we did it back in the day, there wasn't enough support for it... IF THE MAJORITY wanted a sick car every now and again we would push for it, but it still seems to split down the middle.

As always, i'll check into it AGAIN and see what comes up
humanmachinehead   +1y
i think it would be cool for minitruckn to make a once a year soft back book kind of deal. high quality prints and tons of features of the best of anything low for that year, kinda like guinness world records. call it something like "Asphault Assault" or something open to all kinds of "minitruck inspired" rides. make it an online order only then no one complains about cars etc in the mag