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Project D350 Build Thread

Minitruckin' Magazine
views 16982
replies 146
following 71
D350   +1y
Thank you guys.  Your kind words are always motivation to keep moving.   Not much of an update for you... but very exciting for me...  I'm officially pre-registered and pre-paid for West Coast Nationals in La Paz in September.  It will only be the second show that I've brought the truck to.  Hell... it'll be only the second time the truck has ever seen sunlight!   I also dropped $100 on high quality body fillers today... hopefully it's enough to get the entire truck straightened out and ready for spray filler by WCN.   If anyone's planning on going, you better come say wassup! 
stockfloored85   +1y

very nice, really like your link set up.

msturg   +1y
doing some cool things man, I'll have to watch this build
pugz   +1y
looks sick.
tuckinlugs06   +1y

looking good...but i dont like how they made the back wheels sit so far back but hey its yours ..and love that watts link
D350   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by TuckingLugs05 looking good...but i dont like how they made the back wheels sit so far back but hey its yours ..and love that watts link --------------------------------------------- Yeah, I agree.  The idea to shorten the bed came long after I had already notched the frame and built the 4 link system.  If I would've thought of it before I would've moved the wheels forward and shortened the front of the bed.   Oh well.  You build and you learn. 
xs_style   +1y

Nice project man. Had an 86 at one time myself. Looked just like what you started with. You should do some recessed headlights and a straight bar grill (think classic trucks project 'get shorty') and then do the camaro bumper. Either way were all lookin forward to seein the outcome.
D350   +1y
Yesterday, I stripped her naked.  And of course took photos.   I used a 7" 80 grit flapper disc on my Dewalt grinder.  That thing is wicked!  I stripped the entire truck and still didn't use the whole disc. Granted, it's probably not the tool of choice for a vehicle with a nice straight body.  If you're not careful it will eat into the metal pretty quick, which will ultimately show up in the paint later.  But this truck seriously looks like a golf ball driving range target so I'm already planning on skim coating the entire truck with spray filler and long blocking it multiple times.   I stripped the whole truck in just a few hours.   I took Sunday off.  Here's some pics.               Rear end ready for specially ordered tail skin combo and tail light fillers from Grant Kustoms.     Sheet metal... it's a love/hate relationship.     The man behind the madness.         
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leydbck   +1y
Edited: 5/4/2009 10:53:47 AM by leydbck

Second pic down you can see your blood running down the side of the bed Truck looks good. Keep up the good work.
D350   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by leydbck Edited: 5/4/2009 10:53:47 AM by leydbck Second pic down you can see your blood running down the side of the bed   Truck looks good. Keep up the good work. --------------------------------------------- Hahaha!  Very observant.  Yeah I nicked myself pretty good.  All part of the process!