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Minitruckin' Magazine \  I'm shocked......MT/

I'm shocked......MT/

Minitruckin' Magazine
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unusualfabrication   +1y
Edited: 12/3/2008 9:45:27 PM by UnusualFabrication

WOW, I never intended this post to blow up like this. If I had the money that some companies have I would advertise in the magazines as much or more than they already do. Why, because that means that i'm getting all the business that the companies that aren't advertising could be getting. If you open a magazine and the only thing you see is adds from a certain company then you are probably going to shop there becasue its all you think is around. New readers are going to think that AIM is the only place that you can get air ride supplies from because there isn't a or AVS add. Hows that saying go "out of sight, out of mind". Do I like all the AIM adds, no, but for some it pays the bills. I like reading MT and can't wait to get it every month. Its even nice to think that some day I might grace the cover or pages and have something to show my kid and hang it on the shop wall. The internet will never replace the magazine for that simple reason.
chumpchange   +1y
support the mag get out and buy it! it is the best truck mag around hands down so we need to keep it around. Mike A u are doing a killer job keep it up!
slammedcivicsi   +1y
Originally posted by Obey

I quit buying MT about 6 months ago, Never really thought anything about the magazine was all that great. I think magazines in general need to go away, we have the internet now for a reason, with paid subscriptions you can limit which customers see what ad's and you dont waste paper. i dont hug trees i just think its about time we quit wasting so much paper, Newspaper, classroom paper, magazines... i suck, whatever.

You need to get your head out your ass man. The so called paper wasting, is jobs for over a million canadians, its many peoples life.

If you dont like the mag, fine, but dont try and cheat it out and get it for free. I hope you choke on your tounge.
low4lif   +1y
I think MT should do like they did the calendar with aim.But the calendar you can hang up but with aim you can just throw it in the trash.
DropEmWear   +1y
Im with kris! As long as they keep making toilets print mags will never DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need something to read in there! I really don't want to take the laptop in the bathroom. just my 2 cents. lol.
hotwheelbabie   +1y
Originally posted by thacru78

And i'm done.....

I am not even going to humor this thread with a reply to such ignorance...HOWEVER...I found this guys post and picture too fuckin funny not to address! I LOVE IT...I laughed out loud for real....good shit!

The most ironic part of the "beating a dead horse" image is we could probably put it into just about every thread on here...LOL

By the way...BAGS OR JUICE?

AND......I'M DONE! (classic)

post photo
SSM-Webmaster   +1y
Originally posted by HotRodDime

Originally posted by SSM-WebMaster

Originally posted by Obey

I quit buying MT about 6 months ago, Never really thought anything about the magazine was all that great. I think magazines in general need to go away, we have the internet now for a reason, with paid subscriptions you can limit which customers see what ad's and you dont waste paper. i dont hug trees i just think its about time we quit wasting so much paper, Newspaper, classroom paper, magazines... i suck, whatever.

wow... that's all i'm gonna say... WOW mutha f**kin WOW

I own SSM and i still need something to read when i'm on the road or on the shitter... lol

yup Kris... WOW sums it up... some people really are just that "ignorant"

I have never personally seen someone say "Hey dad, you gotta go check out this month, my truck has a feature in it and you can print out the internet pages and frame them for you wall"

You CAN frame SSM features if you know how... but i have been hearing the online vs print mag discussion for years and years (obviously).. and i never really understood it.. there will always be a place for print mags. Just always will.. Online features are awesome, but there is still a special thing about print mags that online mags can't really duplicate..

when it's all said and done, both have there place. And i will support print mags as long as they don't mark SSM as "the enemy".. lol
scotto79   +1y
Originally posted by Obey

I quit buying MT about 6 months ago, Never really thought anything about the magazine was all that great. I think magazines in general need to go away, we have the internet now for a reason, with paid subscriptions you can limit which customers see what ad's and you dont waste paper. i dont hug trees i just think its about time we quit wasting so much paper, Newspaper, classroom paper, magazines... i suck, whatever.

I'm actually with Obey on this one, I bought the new MT the other day, read it once, and threw it in the recycle box. Its set up perfectly that you can't even cut all the AIM bs out of it, theres one page on the back of each ad. So yeah, this probably will be the last MT I buy as well, call me an ass but its my money in the end.