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Minitruckin' Magazine \  I'm shocked......MT/

I'm shocked......MT/

Minitruckin' Magazine
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GraphicDisorder   +1y
Originally posted by 77sunset

Edited: 12/2/2008 6:10:08 PM by 77sunset

Guys I have been on the magazine side before. You are just talking about one of the magazines that some of these larger companies run their ads in. Some titles will take a loss so others can survive that is just the nature of the beast. I would say that if some of these magazines did not have the muilt page advertisers that magazine would be gone.

Someone said then take one hundred pages that you are charging a dollar for then sell to more advertisers for fifty cents and do 200 pages. The magazine business does not work like that. Everyone says cut the amount of pages you can buy as an advertiser these magazines have minimums that they have to print along with that goes what your percentage is of sale threw is to your distributors. Then you get into print costs per page.

Then a bigger book costs more to ship more to produce and so on. So I'm not going to mention any one companies name that does advertise big and makes people mad because they are there but they do make it possible for you to have your favorite magazine ever month like them or hate. So deal with it that is part of the game and if you don
SSM-BobHase   +1y
There is one thing I need to understand is if we don't like a particular company and their ad tactics. Why is everyone giving them free advertisement? I know some of you don't realize it but every time you mention any company whether it is good or bad you just gave them free advertisement. This is stuff that these companies live for. Good or bad publicity is publicity.

Not saying if a large advertiser pulled their ads that would be the end of that Magazine. But it may change from 100 pages to 88 or 76 then gone. These companies like to keep 50 / 50 ads to editorial so when the ads go the editorial goes also. I
DropEmWear   +1y
Good or bad publicity is publicity.

bob...i said the same thing a few months ago in the big hate thread and I was called a fool for this. Some people just don't get it.
Numbskull   +1y
magazines have a few different types of customers, in this case we are talking about people who buy it, and people who advertise in it. why would a company stop taking money from one of its best customers? so they can lose money? that just doesnt make any sense. every business has a person, or group of people trying to figure out how to get the most amount of money for the least amount of effort. a magazine with more pages costs more to make, more to ship and there will be a point to how much money the average person will spend on a magazine. dont think for a second they would ever consider splitting the profit with the customer by selling a more expensive mag at the same price. everything is optimized for maximum profit. you still buy the magazine, why should they change? sure you grumble a little bit when having to skip over AIMs obnoxious ads, does it change your decision to stop buying the mag? probably not; so sales and content remain the same. If you want to see a difference, you have a choice..dont buy it. companies only understand money, if they make less when they do certain things then they learn quick to change their ways. paying for bullshit just encourages a company to make more of it. i dont blame them for a second for how they run their mag, their existence is based off of money, not making minitruckers feel better by singling out unpopular advertisers and banishing them from the print.
SSM-BobHase   +1y
Hey John I did not read that in the thread sorry if I took you quote. LOL I just think we say things and don't get where it could go. We have seen what happens to magazines that don't have advertising. Publishers and management will only take so much red ink. I also want to make sure that you all know I'm in no way sticking up for these big advertisers.
DropEmWear   +1y
I will blame it on your old age bob! lol J/K
slammedxonair   +1y
I liked MT back when there were more small advertisers and shops, like gravity werx and silver star customs. If it were anything like that today I would maybe reconsider advertising with the mag. Other food for thought, the mag was not as many pages then so advertising prices were probably cheeper and easier for smaller companys to afford it, thats just a guess idk for a fact.
thacru78   +1y
I'm a big fan of of my favorite magazines due to Max's page...and the tech articles and what not. I understand the whole business aspect of the magazine and trying to make money. February issue has 36 full page advertisements....20 of which are AIM related. Most of AIM's advertisements are not very well spoken and look very elementary. If MT can't ask them to stop advertising (which they wouldn't cause that would be suicide)...atleast ask them tidy up their ads a little bit....if they can afford 20+ pages in every major magazine then why can't they afford a descent layout. Hey Brandt I think you should offer to redo their advertisements....Redo one page for free and send it to them. Then give them a deal on redoing all 20+ pages....Atleast you know simple english and can put together a paragraph that is readable.....just my .02
ShakinPlates   +1y
Originally posted by thacru78

I'm a big fan of of my favorite magazines due to Max's page...and the tech articles and what not. I understand the whole business aspect of the magazine and trying to make money. February issue has 36 full page advertisements....20 of which are AIM related. Most of AIM's advertisements are not very well spoken and look very elementary. If MT can't ask them to stop advertising (which they wouldn't cause that would be suicide)...atleast ask them tidy up their ads a little bit....if they can afford 20+ pages in every major magazine then why can't they afford a descent layout. Hey Brandt I think you should offer to redo their advertisements....Redo one page for free and send it to them. Then give them a deal on redoing all 20+ pages....Atleast you know simple english and can put together a paragraph that is readable.....just my .02

x2 Image is everything in this sport.... even when advertising. I do enjoy seeing Joe's happy face though... LOL
HotRodDime   +1y
all I can really say on this topic is if you want to see the magazines stick through these tough times then YOU HAVE TO GO OUT AND BUY THEM!

if you want to continue to have some cool stuff to read, quality features in print, tech, show coverage, etc... then we need your support just like any other business

as always, thanks everyone for your continued support, we truly couldn't do it without you!!!