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Minitruckin' Magazine \  I'm shocked......MT/

I'm shocked......MT/

Minitruckin' Magazine
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toadfrog17   +1y
Originally posted by tealchevy

Edited: 12/1/2008 12:15:27 PM by tealchevy

just buy the mag! minitruckin has to make money somehow

Chris you should put commercials in your videos so you can start to make money off of them.
coreysmith07   +1y
Is it just my imagination or has the truck on page 84 already been featured with the same exact paint job?

the 96 s10 with shaved front corner lights.
ShakinPlates   +1y
Im not a big fan of the AIM ads either BUT

1. AIM is a major contributor to MT's exsistance
2. Advertisement is probably AIM's biggest source to produce revenue (As the case with any major company)
3. As much we hate to admit, most of us (atleast I) still sift through the adds just to see whats new and what the pricing is on everything.

If you dont like the add, turn the page(s). My only suggestion is to revamp the artwork on the ads as they remind me of late 80's early 90's styling.... just not my style.
lowdime904   +1y
eh if Joe is sooooo confident in his company being #1 and in being the scene/communities 'bestest buddy' he should donate maybe 20 of his pages of 'truth' back to the magazine for more content space.
Originally posted by lowdime904

eh if Joe is sooooo confident in his company being #1 and in being the scene/communities 'bestest buddy' he should donate maybe 20 of his pages of 'truth' back to the magazine for more content space.

If Joe were to donate pages people would still run their fingers. How would you know if he donated pages? Only way to tell is put 'donated by' somewhere on it and people would complain about that.

I wonder if other magazines have this issue with major advertisers supporting their magazine and having readers have issue with it.
unusualfabrication   +1y
Wow, this thread was only about not having an add in MT for the first time in along time, LOL!
cruisinlowS10   +1y
In the aim/chassis tech get help thread, i posted:

Originally posted by cruisinlowS10

Stop slamming other companies in your advertisements. Stop copying and pasting other companies images from their websites to use as your own images in your advertisements.

his reply

Originally posted by joemorrow

Kris has allowed me to login I am here to listen to you, assist you where I can, and answer any questions you may have on your Air Suspension System.

To Charlie cruisinlowS10: Regardless of my reasons or how it all started, I will do as you request. The January issue of Truckin and the other Truck books has already gone to press. In the February Issue your request will be done. Thank you for the opportunity to respond positively to your comments. Joe Morrow

He said he would stop slamming other companies...pinochio's nose is growing quite long...

SSM-BobHase   +1y
Edited: 12/2/2008 6:10:08 PM by 77sunset

Guys I have been on the magazine side before. You are just talking about one of the magazines that some of these larger companies run their ads in. Some titles will take a loss so others can survive that is just the nature of the beast. I would say that if some of these magazines did not have the muilt page advertisers that magazine would be gone.

Someone said then take one hundred pages that you are charging a dollar for then sell to more advertisers for fifty cents and do 200 pages. The magazine business does not work like that. Everyone says cut the amount of pages you can buy as an advertiser these magazines have minimums that they have to print along with that goes what your percentage is of sale threw is to your distributors. Then you get into print costs per page.

Then a bigger book costs more to ship more to produce and so on. So I'm not going to mention any one companies name that does advertise big and makes people mad because they are there but they do make it possible for you to have your favorite magazine ever month like them or hate. So deal with it that is part of the game and if you don
DropEmWear   +1y
amen bob! well put!
On this it safe to say if AIM pulled minitruckin' ads would that be the end of the magazine? What a horrible thought!