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Mini Truckin` Truck of the year?

Minitruckin' Magazine
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okcderek   +1y
Your Mazda has  Presidential Status now..........sweet!!!
k24 rd6   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by christianity---------------------------------------------Originally posted by spider97---------------------------------------------Originally posted by Big DeeJeremy's black Mazda...would be awesome to see a black truck w/o graphics get truck of the year.---------------------------------------------x2 i dont think people understand what a big deal it would be for a black truck to win. ive been in the paint game  for a long time and think its time for black/cars and trucks to get some recognition. the down to earth yota is supersexy and i could see that being truck of the year. the d50 is super clean but for some reason it dosent have the same "pop" the other 2 have.---------------------------------------------yeah, but everyone thought getting a black president would be a good idea to. im pretty sure they are having buyer's remorse right about now.---------------------------------------------Wow your mazda just became a muslim socialist of questional background with the goal of destroying the USA. The new owner better sleep with one open.
low99maz   +1y

they r both as black as black can b with a bright grille!
nvr53   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by SoloSpecialties---------------------------------------------Originally posted by nvr53------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRY AGAIN NOT EVEN CLOSE .JOSHS TRUCK IS DAILY DRIVEN .AND SICK AS F**K--------------------------------------------- really man? all you do is talk shit in every thread that mentions josh's yota. "its worth so much","my trucks worth so much" "josh is the best evarrr" ect ect. its douchebags like you that make the rest of us look bad.  btw,my buick is clean as fuck and daily driven..should it be car of the year?---------------------------------------------last i looked this was an opinion thread so that being said im intitled to my opinion.that truck has a long way to go to compete with the d 50 the black mazda or joshes i dont feel as though i was talking shit if youre gonna post on here than you should be prepaired for peoples opinions good or bad .i dont see how voiceing my opinion on a minitruck website made you look bad .  as far as the dueshebag comment goes i will give you a hall pass on that one ,but only one hall pass      ever
Waldog25   +1y
Edited: 9/8/2009 12:13:30 PM by Waldog25

bdydrppup   +1y

alright calm down peeps. lets get back on track. and the chix truck is nice but its not in the runnin for this award. that may be why they complained. ok so everybody smile and see who wins lol.  oh and i vote for the black mazda if it can be picked
msturg   +1y
The amount of subtle detail work that is done on the d50 in my opinion trumps everything else.  I'm not a fan of the rear link setup but everything on that truck is super clean, fits perfectly with the overall apperance of the truck and is at least innovative.  I was also one of the guys voting for it last year even though it wasn't in the running.  If the D50 doesn't win it I'll be damn surprised.  
Waldog25   +1y

i think the d50 is fugly, and the mazda has wheels straight outta 1980... the two tone toyota on the other hand has my vote...  is that one even in the frickin running... ahhhhh WTF  
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TufLuv80   +1y

Cant forget about GUNNER!!!  I got your back old man!!!!
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