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Greetings From Mini Truckin'!

Minitruckin' Magazine
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mopar978   +1y

Uncle Fester said:

Steve and Roger how has it gotten worse, John is one person who just two months ago made some over haul changes to bring up the bar. Mike was a great guy who had to grow and better the mag which he did. John is in the same position and will make it different in due time. Give the new guy a chance I for one like the direction it is headed. If you do not like it provide solutions not this guy this that scene that comments.

In the end the editors and freelancers only can show what they are provided in shows and vehicles so if you want better gitter done and give them better quality and raise the bar.

End rant and cannot wait to see what is all in store with the new editor and all the challenges that he faces.


Well put!
onelowmini   +1y
No one is going to like every issue or every feature or every tech article. Johns ultimate goal is to sell magazines and in order to do that things need to be tested as far as what sells and what doesn't. If it is to far in one direction and sales decline then they lose advertisers and then the magazine goes bye bye. So maybe you like 2 out of the 4 or 5 features and every few months you don't like an is what it is. It is a Business and as long as we have a magazine with Mini Truckin in the title without featuring boats we should not complain....I think each and every editor brought something unique to the magazine over the years, some more than others but none the less if I can walk into the grocery store and pick up a mag full of laid out minis I am going to be happy.
Uncle Fester   +1y
I am with Brian X99999 well said. John is trying and give him a shot he trying to make it a mag for all to enjoy. Ask the previous editors how hard that is.....
Ron_autoloc   +1y
I have bought MT for as long as I can remember I really got into it when Mike F. and Lance were doing it and it was pretty cool. In 2004 I met Mike A. at the old place in Placentia. From the first day he knew me as "just some dude" he treated me like we grew up together and no matter what shows we were at together we found time to hang out. Not as editor/reader or this club guy that club guy just having a beer and chatting about life. When Mike left I lost a lot of love for the mag. Not because of the tech or pics just the editorial style and the way I felt when the mag would come and after I was done reading it. It's like watching your favorite player on a team, you become a huge fan of the team, then they retire and the reason you became such a big fan of the team is because of that player. Maybe Mike A. will come back some day Mike J. did !! I assume he has a good deal going on over at Accuair so we should welcome John and do what we can to keeping building bad ass trucks for him to shoot, throwing awesome shows to come to and submitting tech to help the future mini truckers.
SSM-BobHase   +1y
I have been around Mini Truckin from the start yes the start. It happens every time a new editor comes into this position which we all know is not for the money they are paid it's for the love of what they are doing. I think to slam Mike or any of the past editors is wrong because of them Mini Truckin is where it is today. I do think that John and I got off to a bad start but hey I can look past that. As someone that deals with Editors on a professional basis I do look at detail. When I say detail I'm talking from experience I talked to John a month ago about going on SSM and clarify something that was a topic in the Mini Truckin forum. The topic was to explain the out come of Show, Truck and Club Of The Year because the readers were confused. I just looked still no answer I called John to tell him his readers were asking questions. I know that when your readers are asking and there is no answer given these readers feel slighted. I just feel that on a professional basis John has not gotten there yet or maybe John does not care for me as a person or my opinions.
Edited: 3/25/2011 9:40:18 PM by AZ ARTWORX

i think Mata is trying....i just got a call from him the other day explaining how he jumped on board and sent out emails everywhere trying to find a wheel sponsor for the Sreet Source givaway. like anyone that takes over a trying position it sometimes takes a while to build urself.... now if he is able to come through for us in that aspect i will give him whatever i can for the magazine and he will have my like to thank Mike A. for setting up a growing relationship before he left the mag, dude has always done me right and i consider him a friend for that. things will start falling into place for Mata.
dkadventures   +1y
I kind of wonder what changes that have occured that you guys like?

I agree with everyone that the magazine can not control quality of the rides that get shot because they are limited by what people build, which is an entirely different complain I have.

The things that are within their control have been falling off. The photography is normally outstanding, some of the best. However, in this last issue I was really disappointed with the silver hardbody with the flames. The photography for that feature was horrible, you couldn't see any of the interior pics because of horrible shadows. While I know people are going to say it is just one feature, there is no reason something with such bad photography should end up in the magazine. Also the layouts used to be a strong suit, but recently they have just been becoming simpler. While I agree we need to be happy with the fact that we have a magazine, we also should try and offer recomendations for improving it.

With those complaints out of the way, I also think that we have a great opportunity now to see the evolution of a minitrucker. I am excited to see what John does with the magazine and how he grows both as an editor and as a minitrucker.
idragby   +1y
im not saying the current guy is doing a bad job... there is just a certain crowd who believe the mag isnt as good just because mike is no longer there..mike is not to blame for that is all that steve and i are trying to say