Alright, you've only got 7 posts so I'm gonna cut you a break, but we need to get you on the same page...
Do a little research. I defy you to look at any topic on this site and find one that hasn't been whored all to hell and back. Thats the way we roll here, nigga.
Now, if you think that sucks, then maybe, just maybe, this ain't the site for you. Now thats just me talking.
See, we're all pals here. Pals like to bullshit. So we bullshit, ALOT. However, 99.9% of the time, the original question/topic of the post has been covered before we commence whoring.
So maybe you need to re-evaluate what it is your looking for. If you want a bunch of straight laced, no nonesense, stick-in-the mud faggots, that get all bent out of shape when the thread goes off topic, this DEFINATELY isn't the site for you, my friend.
Just food for thought...