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Dually Suspension \  8" rear flipkit?

8" rear flipkit?

Dually Suspension Dually Tech
views 6704
replies 33
following 7
dragnasty   +1y
As you all my favorite would be the sawzall!!!!!!
onefasthoagie   +1y
thanks i'll leave it in the box lol. i got someone with a plazma cutter.
oh yea, before you get into truck mods make a friend with a plazma cutter.
lockone   +1y
Friend witha plasma cutter= buddy for life or until the plasma cutter breaks....
low95xlt   +1y
+1 for sawzall or plasma cutter, but if need to go old school could yous a hacksaw
onefasthoagie   +1y

i think i would stick to the dremmel in that case!!!
onefasthoagie   +1y
ok more questions!!!

it looks like i have a "helper" leaf spring on the top of the pack, and another reserve spring on the bottom, i guess when flipped i have to remove both.

it looks like the rear center housing might come in contact with the bed in the center from my measurements, and if it dosn't hit it will when i hit a bump! anyone else run into this? not only that it looks like when flipped the rear will hit the frame (before c notch) but how much travel can you get from having the c notch? 1 inch?

3rd if i get helper bags does that replace the shock altogether?

4th, how do i align the brackets on the rear end when doing the flip? just measure off the stock ones (on top of the axel) and align them with the bottom ones before i cut the old ones off?
bdydrped   +1y
1: notch that brace in the bed... will take care of the pumpkin hitting the bed.

2: the cnotch will give you roughly 2 3/4-3" more room...if i remember right

3: no it doesnt take place of the shock... it goes on teh spring to help with weight, you leave the shock where they are.

4:wtf are you talking about cuttin off? the flip kit has a hole for the eyebolt to keep the axel centered and it goes up into the bottom side of the stock spring perch. the only thing you will have to worry about placement of is going to be the cnotch.(and bracekts if you go with helper bags also)
low95xlt   +1y
yea i agree with what he said
onefasthoagie   +1y

i thought you have to cut off the stock mounting brackets on the axel and weild new ones on the bottom of the axel for the flip kit?
bdydrped   +1y
nope the kit will come with 2 U shaped brackets that ( like i said ^ there) have a hole in the for the eyebolt on the springs and fit up on the bottom side of the factory spring perch plate... no cutting/welding will be required for thsi part... i know i know it breaks your heart you dont get to hack something to high hell and back... but it sure does make for a quick simple install.