Holy cow, you got jacked, Holmes. WTF? I would have shit my pants right there on their shop floor, right before I called my credit card co. to cancel payment.
The pumkin sits just below almost level to the frame az u all can see in the last pic. I moved the shackle mount up. I am gonna cut the top of the brackets off and weld around the top and sides. I put new bolts in where the old metal rivets were. Next step is tackling the bed and we r putting the top end of the 454 on order Monday.
For the bed im gonna build a ported box for the w7 and two 1000w 12s. And move the tank and the compressors from the airbag kit under th truckbed behind the axle.
Chimin in late and damn straight we are all sad to see you got screwed. Man if you could get this thing to Vegas I'd almost be half tempted to weld this monster up for next to nothin just to see it get done right! Good luck with the rest of the build.