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Dually Projects \  The Fat Girl 86', C30, 3+3, dually, bagged, SFBDed on 22.5"s

The Fat Girl 86', C30, 3+3, dually, bagged, SFBDed on 22.5"s

Dually Projects
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75dually   +1y

Snap me some pics when you get around to it.
watahyahknow   +1y
the transhump looks like a giftwrapped elephant

i heard a while back about using parts of the metal bucket of a wheelbarrow cut and welded to fit the trans or engine (resessed firewal) , there a lot of compount curves pressed intoo the bucket of a wheelbarrow and it makes for a fast and better more factory looking endresult
john-e bravada   +1y

LOL, I got a good laugh out of that one!
john-e bravada   +1y
Snap me some pics when you get around to it.[/quote]

Of what, what I have now or after I move them?

This is what they look like now but like I said they rub.
thread post photo
75dually   +1y
Thanks! Hope you get a lot done this weekend.
john-e bravada   +1y
I didn't get as much done this weekend as I had hoped, what's new... I did get the rest of the trans tunnel closed in. I tried another technique this time. I normally make cardboard templates and transfer them to sheet metal. This time since it was so hard to get to the upper part of the tunnel I simply duct taped the gap then ran a razor blade along the edges of the a joining panels. I ended up with a perfect template to stick to the sheet metal and cut out. It was a 1st for me and I though it worked great. I also refitted the gas pedal to clear the trans tunnel. I wanted to drive it again this week so I started in on the shock thru the control arm idea but I didn't finish it yet. I have the passenger side done and the brackets made for the passenger side. I hope it helps the vibrations I have up front. The shock being mounted further out on the control arm should have better control over it.

I have been driving it the last two days. It's definitely quieter in the cab with the tunnel in. Still not quiet but you can at least yell to the person next to you
watahyahknow   +1y
prolly get the normal soundlevel inside the cab once you get some dynamat foam and carpet on the floor
i think you would allready notice a difference when you tape a half inch thick layer of newspapers on the floor
insulation under/behind the dash allso helps a lot
dragnframe2000   +1y
The trans tunnel came out great. Put 2 cup holders on it and call it a center console! awesome work man, keep up the pics
john-e bravada   +1y
I've been researching sound deadening allot lately. I need it quiet in there if Momma is going to be happy in there for long trips. I have a 3 layer system planned. I'll run peel and seal first, then a layer or 2, depending on the area, of Closed Cell Foam, then a layer of Mass Loaded Vinyl. I'm not sure weather I should cover everything with the peel and seal or only 25% like Don " target="_blank does with his CLD tiles. I guess you could consider it another layer but I'll also seam seal the floor top and bottom and undercoat the bottom next time I have the motor and trans out. The doors will get the same treatment and the ceiling will at least get the peel and seal maybe some other absorbing material.

I've been working on the shocks thru the upper control arms. The paint was still wet last night so I'll get some pics once I have it assembled. I also added a fuel pressure gauge last night to see how my lift pump is holding up. I'll have to drive it to see what it's really doing. I have an electric lift/filter setup in the works for when I put the new tank in.
watahyahknow   +1y
it mainly needs to be heavy stuff that doesnt vibrate in the same frequency as the metal
the dynamat is based on the stuff they put on roofs but with an alufoil skin and a little less smelly
the stuff they call brownbread is cheaper but thicker and doesnt stick as good better not to be used under the roof and on vertical planes
heaered sumting about lizzardskin wish is a spray on deadener dont know how good that is

it allso helps if you isolate the body from the frame , if you mounted the engine solid and have metal spacers under the body expect a lot of vibrationnoise

wheelwhells , kickplates inside of the doors entire firewall under the rearwindow .... that should stop a lot of noise roadnoise and enginenoise

having a good insulated cab usually gives the impression of a high end car where you only hear some humming the foam is more for comfort plush feeling under youre feet , it does start to mould when it gets realy wet so thats a choice you have to make